Psalm 16:7-9, Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51, John 20:17, Acts 1:1-11
Jesus said to Mary as she ran to embrace Him, “Touch Me not; for I have not yet ascended to my Father…I ascend unto My Father, and your Father; and to My God and your God.”
Can you imagine her not flying into His arms? Last time she saw Jesus He was dying on a cross! I see Him backing off slightly, holding His hand up like a stop sign as He warned her to not touch Him.
Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus knew it was time. Time to go back from whence He’d come. (Ephesians 4:10).

This is serious business. His delight was pure; He earned eternal life for us—His children. He promised to not leave us as orphans; a helper was coming. (John 14:16-18). He ascended slowly, visibly. His glorified human body entered Heaven, and sat down on the Father’s right hand. (Acts 2:33).
Even today, Jesus is at the Father’s right hand. He’s busy interceding for us—that is, pleading our prayer requests before the Father. (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). Because He permeates the whole universe with His spiritual presence and power, we have courage and confidence to live our lives with the assurance of spending eternity in Heaven. He will come for us one day. (John 14:2-3). We eagerly await His coming.
Our hearts beat with joy because we can be certain of our hope. (Colossians 1:15-23). With Jesus at our right hand, we will not be moved (away from His grasp during troubled times).
Just like looking forward to Mom returning home from the grocery store with goodies, kids can look forward to goodies in paradise.
Take Home Nugget
When trouble confronts us and we grow weary, we can think of Jesus’ words of comfort. Joshua 1:5 in the Old Testament of the Bible talks to the Israelites, God’s chosen people. It says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Like Father, like Son. These are Jesus’ words to us today.
We miss people we love when they depart.
Looking forward to the next time
We’re together gladdens our heart.
Anticipating Heaven is no crime.
J.D. Griffith
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