Friday, April 6, 2018

Baptism Grasp

Kingdom Kids devotions authorize Jesus’ LORDship over our lives.

1 Corinthians 15:3-10

John 10:28:  “I give them [Jesus’ sheep] eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one can snatch them out of My hand.”

            Some people follow rules.  Others never follow rules.  Jesus followed all of His Father’s rules—down to fulfilling every word that Old Testament prophets foretold about Him.  That’s why Jesus never sinned!  He knew why He came to earth as a human.  He never denied His humanity, but DID lay aside His divinity (Godhood) when necessary.

            Otherwise, Jesus (as 100% God and 100% human), could NEVER have been nailed to a wooden cross. 

            Like “Hancock”, whose skin snapped a nurse’s needle—if Jesus hadn’t put aside His Godhood—the nails anchoring Him to a cross would have snapped.  “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!”

            That Philippians 2:8 verse in Scripture reminds us of Jesus’ perfect obedience when we don’t want to obey what God calls us to do.  Apostle Paul, like Hancock, is an outlier.  Paul didn’t fit the “typical apostle mold” (tax collector, physician, and fishermen).  Paul was a trained Pharisee!  Originally named Saul, Paul delighted in hauling Christians to jail or persecuting them to death (Acts 9:1-2, 11).

            But God has a plan that no one can snuff out—and His plan includes you! 

            You are probably an outlier, too, and do not fit the “typical apostle mold.”   

            Chosen while being created in mom’s womb, each is grasped from the world and into God’s kingdom at baptism.  Each of God-commanded missions is unique, different from all others.  He trains each of His kids for these missions, molding each for the work that’s assigned.  Each serves Christ.  Each shares Christ.  Each gains bold confidence working for Christ in a hostile world.
            Yet, being human raises doubt.   
Take Home Nugget

            Certainly, the apostles doubted.  The disciples doubted that they could feed 5,000 with only 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish.  Peter doubted that he could walk on water.  They ALL doubted that Christ would rise to life after being dead.  Being human, Christ Himself questioned the Father about finishing His mission.  Check out the lesson linked below for Scripture references about doubters and Christ’s own admitted reluctance.

            Nothing can snuff out God’s plan.  Jesus forgives our doubt.  Instead of embarrassing doubters, Jesus offers us grace and hope.  His Spirit offers us power to fulfill our mission for God’s kingdom. 

Holy Father, empower me with Your grace and hope to fulfill the mission for which You seized me into Your kingdom at my baptism.  I pray this in the precious name of Your Son, my Lord Yeshua.  Amen.  

Adapted from “Grace On Us” by Rev. E. Engel.  April 4, 2018.
“Snatched Away for Christ” by Rev. E. Engel.  April 5, 2018. Missouri. Portals of Prayer Devotional Magazine.  
J.D. Griffith

 For a personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Latest Christmas eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

 This eBook shows Mary’s adventure traveling to Bethlehem right before Jesus’ birth.   This Biblical fantasy weaves supernatural delight into facts surrounding His birth. 

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

Twelve-year-old Jeremy befriends “Aunt” Rita when lured up her front steps after football practice one fall day.  Her piano music isn’t the only thing that makes Rita especially different.  She is intrigued by Jeremy.  God uses Aunt Rita to transform Jeremy into a true follower of Christ. 


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