Friday, January 26, 2018

Uncovering Divine Will

Second of Kingdom Kids devotion series explaining Jesus’ LORDship over our lives.

Numbers 23:19: “God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change His mind.  Does He speak and then not act?  Does He promise and not fulfill?”

            God (YHWH) is totally distinct from and above His creation.  We can’t even pronounce his name until vowels are added.  Yahweh warns humans in Isaiah 55:8:  “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.”

          So, the only way humans can learn Yahweh’s way is to recognize and agree to His divine authority.  Satan could never do that.  The first question he asked Eve began, “Did God really say…?” in Genesis 3:1.  His agenda hasn’t changed.  His methods to tempt people into disobeying our Father haven’t changed, either.

People still fall for that same doubt.

            What a good thing that Yahweh inspired people to write down His Word!  Published as our Bible, God’s Word is the only guidebook teaching His passed-down authority to His kids.  The Bible reveals divine will for us to rule His kingdom on earth.  The Bible teaches people how to use God’s divine will and live on purpose.  See the lesson linked below that reveals proof of Yahweh’s power and authority.

            Bible: Book of Instruction Before Leaving Earth.

            Apostle John taught in the Bible that Jesus personifies God’s Word made flesh (John 1:1, 14).  Jesus inspired the Gospel (Good News) to be written to give people hope.  How can people find hope?  Why is hope so important?  What’s the hurry?

            Jesus urges people to repent and believe in Him—to receive forgiveness of sins and live abundantly—because God’s kingdom is near (Mark 1:15). 

            To the level that individuals obey God’s Word is the degree to which each lives the abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10.  Those who choose not to obey is also the same degree that they lose this abundant life. 
            Abundant life is not only successfully victorious; it also includes Jesus’ peace (John 14:27, Philippians 4:7).  Jesus’ peace transcends (supernatural authority) human understanding.

Take Home Nugget

            Our Father’s Word shows Christians how to make every decision.  The bible is our standard.  No one needs to go it alone figuring out how to live victoriously.  No one can advance God’s kingdom agenda if we allow this standard to be hidden in the pages of the Bible—where His divine will is uncovered—unless we open and read it. 

Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of LORD Jesus that You dazzle me.  Take hold of me.  Allow me to grasp Your authority.  Empower me to obey Your divine will and live on purpose for You.  Amen.  

Adapted from “God’s Revealed Will” by Dr. Tony Evans.  January 18, 2018.  Check out The Urban Alternative at       
J.D. Griffith

 For a personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Latest Christmas eBook by J.D. Griffith: 
To purchase "Star Watchers" for only $0.99 USD, click here   This eBook shows Mary’s adventure traveling to Bethlehem right before Jesus’ birth.   This Biblical fantasy weaves supernatural delight into facts surrounding His birth. 

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith:
Twelve-year-old Jeremy befriends “Aunt” Rita when lured up her front steps after football practice one fall day.  Her piano music isn’t the only thing that makes Rita especially different.  She is intrigued by Jeremy.  Jeremy is transformed by God after getting to know this gracious elderly lady. 

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