Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Jesus' Destiny

4th of 7 devotions in Jesus Appreciation series

Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1:21:  “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.”

            The previous devotion, Jesus’ Powerful Name, showed “A” words that explained why His name is powerful.  This devotion targets five more “A” words that explain what Jesus’ destiny [DES-tin-ee] means to us. 

            Jesus destiny (or purpose), was to be born so that He could die—in order to save His people from our sins.  The Father didn’t convince His Son to enter earth as a human baby so that He could die. 

            Jesus ACCEPTED His destiny without question. 

            As co-creator, Jesus loves created beings the same as our Father does.  Jesus knows that only shed blood can forgive sin.D   He may have grieved the thousands of bulls and sheep slaughtered before He came to earth. 

            ATONEMENT.  Sin began in heaven by the devil.  “Satan” was not the devil’s original name.  That evolved from “the” Satan—or the accuser—until 1 Chronicles 21:1.  Satan was jealous of God.  He wanted to be God.C  He was very beautiful and proud (Ezekiel 28:11, 13, 14, &15). 

            Satan hated people because God crowned us with the glory that Satan hungered for himself.B   When he was tossed out of heaven, earth became the devil’s playground.E  His specialty became tempting people to sin.  He found victory tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.  All human sin is inherited from her, making people enemies of God.A
                Jesus atoned—or suffered and died as payment for human sin—so that we might be reunited with the Father.  Christians are no longer enemies of God (Romans 5:10).

            ACCESS.  Jesus opened the pathway to the Father.  He blocked the door opened wide so that people can approach God’s throne with confidence.  We believe that God loves us and hears our every prayer (John 14:6 & Hebrews 4:16).

            ADOPTION.  Adoption is different from natural children.  Believers-in-Christ were chosen before the world was even created (Ephesians 1:4-5, Romans 8:16-17).  Believers are adopted into God’s family.  We’re co-heirs with Crist!

            ASSURANCE. Through faith in Jesus, Believers are gifted eternal life.  Jesus guarantees that future is secure with Him in heaven forever! 
Take Home Nugget

            Christ is not Jesus’ last name.  Christ means “the Anointed One” or Messiah.  Jesus was anointed by God the Father to save His people from our sins (John 20:31). 
            Jesus’ destiny was death so ours could be eternal life in glory!

Holy Father, our hearts overflow with gratitude that You sent us Your Son Jesus.  From Him, we’re awed about who You are and what faith in Him means!  Amen.

A, B, C, D, E  Check out the lesson linked below. 
Adapted from “The Destiny of a Name” by Dr. Charles Stanley.  Georgia.  In Touch monthly devotional magazine.  December 24, 2017.
J.D. Griffith

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Latest Christmas eBook by J.D. Griffith: 

This eBook shows Mary’s adventure traveling to Bethlehem right before Jesus’ birth.   This Biblical fantasy weaves supernatural delight into facts surrounding His birth. 

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith:  
Twelve-year-old Jeremy befriends “Aunt” Rita when lured up her front steps after football practice one fall day.  Her piano music isn’t the only thing that makes Rita especially different.  She is intrigued by Jeremy.  Jeremy is transformed by God after getting to know this gracious elderly lady. 


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