Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Ultimate Unfriend


Matthew 25:11-13:  “Later the others also came.  ‘Sir!’ Sir!’ they said.  ‘Open the door for us!’
“But He replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’  Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour’ [when Christ returns for His church].”

            The key word is “watch.”  Watch pivots to “ready.”

            Twelve-year-old Cassie sighed after reading what her “friend” posted.

            “Cassie, I’m tired of pretending to be nice to Peggy.  If I want to kick and scream at her, I will!”

            Cassie tried to patch their ragged relationship by typing, “I’m sorry, Claire.  Please, try to be polite to Peggy.  She doesn’t even know Ethan!”

            Cassie hit “SEND.”

            Cassie waited staring at the screen of her laptop.  She checked her Internet access.  As other emails arrived, she guessed that Claire had just “unfriended” her on Facebook.

             Is there any more rude way to be slapped across your face than to be unfriended?


            Believers-in-Christ eagerly await His return to earth.  He is getting ready to collect His bride [His believers, His church] and take us with Him to heaven.  The thing is that no one knows when He’s due to arrive.  So we wait.  We wait and “watch”, just like Jesus advises in the opening Scripture.

            Check out the lesson linked below for more about Jesus’ coming. 

            While watching for Jesus, we’d better be getting ready for His arrival.  Watch and wait is NOT passive.  Watch and wait is active.  Each day can either be filled with earthly distractions or managed wisely.  Time wisely spent includes intervals with the LORD each day.  Only His Word can refresh and guide us victoriously through one day and into another. 

 Only prayer can build a one-on-one relationship between God and His kids.  

Take Home Nugget 

            The opening Scripture ends one of Jesus’ parables where Matthew writes about ten virgins in chapter 25, verses 1-13.  Ten ladies waited for the bridegroom to arrive, each with lamps ready to lead the nighttime procession.  But while five hearts were centered on Christ, the other five who were self-centered, had no oil.  They all watched for Him, but half were not ready when He arrived.  
            The Holy Spirit Biblically represents one’s “oil.”  He might lead us into sincere repentance of sins—paving a clear path to God’s throne.  God’s Spirit reminds us of relevant Gospel passages that calm us when we’re freaking out. 

            However we watch and prepare to be ready, let’s practice now.  Tomorrow may be too late!  No one wants to be publically unfriended by a locked door barring our entrance.

Heavenly Father, please keep me watching for Jesus, preparing my heart for His return.  I pray in His Name to be gathered as His bride, Amen.

 Adapted from “Get Your Oil Now” by Pastor Mark Jeske.  www.TimeOfGrace.org.  October 11, 2017.
J.D. Griffith

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