Friday, November 20, 2015

Three Laws


Part two of three devotions in God’s Covenant of Grace series

Hebrews 8:10:  “This is the [new] covenant I will make with Israel after that time, declares the Lord.  I will put My laws in their minds and write them on their hearts.  I will be their God, and they will be My people.”

            God created people in His own image so He could have a relationship with us.

            Had there been nothing wrong with God’s first covenant, there would be no need to replace it with a new covenant.   A covenant [COV-en-ant] is an agreement.  It’s a promise of “I’ll do this if you do that.”  God still wanted to be their God even after people refused to obey Him.
            We know that we STILL cannot obey God’s laws perfectly, even if they are written on our hearts and put inside our minds.  And so does our heavenly Father.  The laws He writes on our hearts and puts in our minds are not the Ten Commandments.  He saw to what extent people go to dodge safe living under His divine protection.
            Soooo, the Father sent His Son Jesus to redeem people.  Jesus’ birth, earthly ministry, suffering, horrific death and subsequent resurrection proves—to what extreme measure—that our heavenly Father goes for that personal relationship with His people.

            His new covenant of grace has only three laws.

            The laws in God’s new covenant of grace are:  1) the royal law of love, 2) the perfect law of liberty and 3) the law of faith.  Jesus taught the royal law of love in Matthew 22:37, 40:
            “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all our soul and with all your mind. …And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

            The perfect law of liberty is found in James 1:25, and paraphrased here:  Anyone who believes in Jesus, follows His teachings to live righteously by the power of the indwelt Holy Spirit.  This person is blessed in all he does.  Righteous living demonstrates Christian truths, based on Old Testament morality (honor, virtue)—and rooted in the Ten Commandments—all of which were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.    
            Unbeliever are slaves to sin.  Their afterlife is eternal death.  But Believers in Christ live in joyous freedom.  We’re sure of eternal life.  We cooperate with God’s Spirit to grow into people we were created to be.   

Take Home Nugget

            The law of faith is found in Romans 3:27-28 and summed up here.  Apostle Paul declares that God justifies (or claims) as His whoever comes to Him through faith in His Son Jesus.  See the lesson linked below for greater detail.  

“For we maintain that a man is justified by faith, apart from observing the law.”

Adapted from “Life Under the New Covenant” from Joseph Prince. October 05, 2015.   

J.D. Griffith


                               Written for

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