Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Shining Light Perfection


John 8:12:  “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows Me will ever walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

            Ten year olds Cassie and Missy approached classmates Jeremy and Brad as they exited school for the day. “Hey guys, would you like to go roller skating sometime?”
            Jeremy looked at Brad and snickered.  “How about it, Brad?” he asked.
            Brad looked at the girls sheepishly before replying, “Well that’ll have to be a later ‘sometime;’ I’m grounded.”

            Kids aren’t the only ones who get caught doing something wrong.  So when Jesus says that He’s the “light of the world,” people cringe.  “Don’t shine Your light on me, Jesus!” we pray.
            It doesn’t help when grown-ups tell kids, “Jesus sees everything, so don’t think that you can get away with being bad!”

            Because then we grow up being afraid of God.  What must God think of me after I did that? 

            We hate Jesus’ glorious light that spotlights our sins!  All our faults and weaknesses are laid out before Him—to our shame.  We hesitate coming to the One who loves us unconditionally because we think that God is angry with us. 

            That’s simply not true!

            Reread the opening Scripture.  It’s like Jesus said that after comforting a woman caught red-handed in sin.  He refused to condemn her…then stood up and immediately told the people that He is the “light of the world.”  (See the lesson linked below for the story).  How wonderful for us to see that Jesus says that He’s the “light of the world” right after He refused to condemn a woman caught in the act of sin.
            This tells me that I don’t have to be afraid to come into God’s presence because He’s NOT waiting to punish me.  Jesus’ glorious light spotlights how perfectly His blood washed away my sins!  This gives me great confidence to follow Jesus throughout my life. 
            How about you? 
            Jesus knew that His blood would wash away that woman’s sin BEFORE He died on the cross.  He knew that He’d take all her AND OUR sins with Him to the cross!  Therefore, He would not condemn her than.  And, He certainly won’t condemn us for mistakes, failures and sins now.  

Take Home Nugget

            The truth is that our heavenly Father only sees that Believers’ sins have been completely removed.  Jesus’ light reveals spotless perfection—because of His perfect work on the cross.  When we believe this, we can come boldly into God’s presence.  We have faith-confidence that Jesus’ light shows our perfection in Him!
Can you follow Jesus now—believing that your faith in Him spotlights your perfection to the Father?

Adapted from “The Light of the World Exposes Your Perfection” from
Daily Grace Ministries.  Joseph Prince. www.josephprinceministries@josephprince.org.  October 4, 2015.

J.D. Griffith


                               Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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