Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Cross

                                    THE CROSS                                                      

Eighth of nine devotions in Lenten Intense Series from Isaiah 53:1-12 

Matthew 16:21-27, John 19:17-22 

Matthew 16:24:  “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.’” 

John 19:17:  “Carrying His own cross, He went out to the place called the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).”


            Ten year old Cassie always wears a necklace with a cross dangling from its chain.  When she found Kodie sitting all alone on a swing, Cassie sat down next to her (See Don’t Fear devotion).  Both girls noticed the cross necklaces they wore, but didn’t mention it aloud.

            So Cassie felt the presence of a kindred [alike] spirit BEFORE she tried to make friends with Kodie.

            The cross is central to believers.  It is a sign announcing to whom we belong: it broadcasts faith in God and His Son Jesus.  It is a symbol that unites all Christians throughout the world.  The cross is the heart of what Christians believe.

            1.  Gospel Message.  Jesus lived a perfect life.  Without sin, He showed people how to confront those who reject God’s truth.  Directly.  Softly.  Consistently.  His obedience shows believers that we’re not above obeying God’s command to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).  Sometimes we must get down and dirty to reach others right where they are.  Service.

            2.  Reconciliation to the Father.  The cross was torture for Jesus.  But only He was qualified to bear the Father’s judgment for people’s sins.  And so, Jesus suffered an agonizing death on our behalf.  Sacrifice.  Nothing else is needed for still-sinful people to come directly to a Holy Father who sees us as righteous—because of our faith in His Son.  

            3.  Instant access after death.  Believers-of-Jesus don’t have to wait   to be with God after death.  One thief who was crucified next to Jesus came to faith in Him that same day.  He pleaded in Luke 23:42, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

            Jesus answered him in verse 43, “I tell you the truth.  Today you will be with Me in paradise.”



            That’s intense!

Take Home Nugget

Isaiah 53:8:  “By oppression and judgment He was taken away.  And who can speak of His descendants?  For He was cut off from the land of the living, for the transgression of my people He was stricken.”  

Cassie attends Lenten services at her church.  She learned at this year’s Good Friday service that what happened at Calvary so long ago still saves people to eternal life who are tortured for their faith today.

Do you wear a cross?

Holy Father, help me to advance Your kingdom today, because Jesus gave so much for my salvation. Amen.

J.D. Griffith

                   Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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