Friday, March 27, 2015




Seventh of nine devotions in Lenten Intense Series from Isaiah 53:1-12

Matthew 21:1-11 

Matthew 21:9:  “The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed shouted, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!”

Ephesians 6:12:  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”


            Palm Sunday was Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  Riding on a young donkey, people laid down and waved palm branches, shouting at Him as He passed by.  Hosanna is a Hebrew expression that means “Save!”  This day began a week of Jesus’ passion. 

            He’d celebrate the Passover Feast with His disciples.  He’d lead them in the first Holy Communion, explaining that the bread is His body.  The wine is His blood.  Judas would betray Him.  Peter would disown Him.  He’d be tried and condemned to be crucified on a cross.

            Shout Hosanna! 


            The greater a believer’s impact for the kingdom of God, the more fiercely the devil attacks.  Ten year old Cassie wanted her eight year old cousin Shakira to befriend a classmate.  The “new girl” in third grade, named Kodie is from Uganda.  Kodie’s skin is very dark.  No one in third grade wanted anything to do with Kodie.

            In Death of Self devotion, Cassie had to shame Shakira and Violet to play with classmate Kodie.  At recess-ending bell, the four admitted having had great fun playing four square.  The devil failed to keep Kodie excluded.  This time.

            Shout for joy!


            Jesus understands Kodie’s pain.  Jesus understands how hard it can be to befriend someone who society outcasts.  Jesus understands every one of His believer’s anxiety.  He “gets” us.  He suffered much during His time on Earth. 

            People disrespected Jesus and disbelieved His teaching.  They told lies about Him.  They demanded His death—by crucifixion!  Pilate ordered Jesus to be flogged.  Flogging is a whipping using leather cords imbedded with metal shards.  Each lash shreds the skin.   

            Jesus knew how the very people He came to earth to save would treat Him.  And yet He came willingly.  He came to die, so that whoever believes in Him could live forever.   He came to gather believers into God’s family.  He came with love. 

            Shout your gratitude!

Take Home Nugget

Isaiah 53:10:  “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush Him [in spirit] and cause Him to suffer, and though the Lord makes His life a guilt offering [mankind’s sin], for He will see his offspring [believers] and prolong His days [eternal life], and the Lord will prosper in His hand [blessings for obedience].”



            That’s intense!

Shout praise for resurrected back-to-life big brother Jesus!
J.D. Griffith



                   Written for

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