Tuesday, May 20, 2014



First of three in Ascension Series

Luke 24:1-35

Luke 24:30-31: “When He was at the table with them, He took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.  Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, and he disappeared from their sight.”


            Jesus’ resurrection was too weird for people to believe.  But at least His disciples   should have believed what Jesus told them was going to happen.  (Matthew 16:21).  This three devotional series comes after the parallel Bible studies we finished through Lent to Easter.  The last five devotional series was to teach why wholesome speech is so important. 

            Spoken words are so powerful that they create blessings or bring harm.  Either believers affirm God’s life-giving positive, or drain life force with negativity.  In the beginning of Luke 24, three women went to Jesus’ tomb only to discover that He had risen.  But when they gave this good news to the apostles, they refused to believe it was true (Luke 24:11).  We see both life-giving and life-stealing words here with their encounter:

            “Nonsense!”  The disciples refused to believe...except Peter.  Verse twelve says that Peter checked it out for himself—then went away wondering about the empty tomb.  So he went with Cleopas to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem.  Along the walk, they discussed everything that had happened recently.  Jesus joined them.

            But they didn’t recognize Jesus.  Jesus innocently asked what they were talking about.  They wondered if Jesus came from another planet.  Everybody knew what had happened!  So they told Jesus the story (Luke 24:19-24).

            “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!  Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?” Jesus scolded them.  Then He began with Moses, through the prophets, explaining what all the Scriptures had said about Him.

            When they came to Emmaus, Jesus acted as though He was going farther.  Saddened, they urged Jesus to stay with them.  That’s when the opening scripture happened, and they realized it was Jesus all along.  They hurried back to Jerusalem to assure the disciples, “It’s true!  The Lord has risen and appeared to Simon.”  (Luke 24:34).

            Some things are too awesome for humans to accept.  After one person tells what can’t possibly be true, then another confirms that it is true, people cave into believing.  Yes, we are that slow!

Take Home Nugget

            Aren’t you glad that Jesus knows this, and leads us to understanding when we’re too slow to “get it” immediately?  Can you remember when you finally “got” Jesus’ point?

Holy Father, thank You for patiently leading us where we’re often too slow, or stubborn, to accept truth from You. 


                                                                                                                              J.D. Griffith

                          Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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