Friday, May 16, 2014



Fifth of five in Wholesome Series

Leviticus 13:20

“The priest is to examine it [a boil], and if it appears to be more than skin deep and the hair in it has turned white, the priest is to pronounce him unclean.  It is an infectious skin disease that has broken out where the boil was.”


            Every kid has grabbed a stick and waved it over something, commanding, “Abracadabra!” to make magic.  Abracadabra is maybe the world’s most famous incantation; [in-kan-TA-shon] is a (magic) chant that orders something to happen.  While it’s a fun child’s play, “Abracadabra! is really God speak.

            Historians believe the chant originated from two Hebrew words, abra kdabra.  These two words mean “I will create as I speak.”  If spoken words truly create, this is not child’s play.

            This five part Wholesome Series is all about the consequences of spoken powerful words.  We learned that gossip in the Old Testament was speaking harmful words about someone about what was only seen on the surface.  So a skin disease was God’s punishment for gossip. 

            Gossip can be seen as coming from a bad tongue.  The Hebrew language for “bad tongue” is lashon hara.  Lashon hara includes any negative speech that brings harm or draws negativity into the world.  This negativity reflects back on the speaker—who suddenly comes down with a skin disease.  Biblical skin disease, tzara’at, is usually called leprosy.. 

            Skin disease has spiritual roots.  God commanded a priest, not a doctor, to assess the ailment and prescribe the treatment for it.  Whenever a bad thing was spoken about another, is as though God’s positive life-force was withdrawn.  So it was fitting that the speaker developed something opposite to life—a disease that leads to death.  The area of skin affected with tzara’at was white—devoid of color—as though all life was drained from it.

            The priest would prescribe the diseased person a week of isolation from people.  God did this so that person would think about the poisonous words said, and repent for saying them against another child of God.  If repenting was sincere, the person’s skin disease healed.  Healed to wholeness.  We learned from this series the seriousness of the spoken word.  Now we learned that spoken words actually do create!  It’s not magic; it’s God!     

Take Home Nugget

            If negative words create suffering, the good news is that positive words can create blessings!  God spoke the world into existence (Genesis 1).  God spoke the words and creation happened.  People’s spoken words have power too: We can create good things in our lives.  Encouraging words create positive people.  Every spoken life-enforcing word brings blessings into the world.                                                                  

Wholesome speech from wholesome people is where the real magic is found!

J.D. Griffith


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