Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Intuitively Obvious


Part one of three in Deciding How to Approach God series

Matthew 27:46

“About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani’—which means, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’”

Jesus knew that He’d be reunited with the Father soon. Yet, He cried out to Him. How would the Father answer? God’s answer is intuitively obvious [in-TU-i-tiv-ly OB-vee-us] means plainly understood. Like instinct. Jesus’ question weeps heartbreak in His followers.

After human sins were dumped onto Jesus, the immediate and total separation from the Father shocked Him. Our sins forced Holy Father to forsake His one and only Son. But Jesus’ sacrificial death bought humans eternal life. Thank you, Jesus!

What agony for Jesus! Not only was Jesus dying on a cross, suddenly He was forsaken! Having never sinned Himself, Jesus didn’t deserve to die for our sins! Jesus cried out the moment He understood hell. Truth: hell is separation from God. Jesus cried out in forsaken torment after one second! He knew that His death was minutes away, and yet, desperately cried out to the Father.

Was this for our benefit? Jesus’ torment shows people the truth about hell—from the only One who should have been able to withstand its horror.

I’m glad that Jesus cried out to the Father. We learn that we’re encouraged to cry out to God in desperate anguish, too. Whenever we feel hopelessly caught in an impossible situation, let’s remember to cry out to God. Feeling sorry for ourselves is a waste of precious time that we could use seeking help. Every second we waste before crying out to God for help is on us, brothers and sisters. God’s kids are more precious to Him than anything in the universe What’s holding you back from crying out to the Lord?

As with His Son, the Father may not answer right away—but His answer will dawn on us when it’s time for us to understand. Assuredly: God HEARS us. He SUFFERS our torment. He FEELS our anger. And, if there’s only one who UNDERSTANDS, it’d be Jesus.

Take Home Nugget

Jesus knew that human sin would separate Him from the Father. Yet, being utterly forsaken, shocked Him. The hell of God’s forsaking faces everyone who rejects Jesus as Lord (John 3:16). Jesus knew instinctively why the separation was necessary, but the reality was torment.

We may question God, anytime. However, He doesn’t have to answer us. Gulp. Every answer from God is embedded in Scripture—when we bother looking. The indwelling Holy Spirit reminds believers truths that we know instinctively—having learned them before. The sin that caused our trouble becomes intuitively obvious.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for reminding us truths that ought to be intuitively obvious when we question God.

J.D. Griffith

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