Friday, August 2, 2013

I Am the Vine


Part six of seven in I AM devotional series

John 15:1-17

John 15:1: “I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener.”

Jesus uses plant imagery to describe the relationship among people, our heavenly Father, and Himself. The opening Scripture shows Jesus and the Father’s roles in this imagery.

A plant’s vine draws in nutrients from the ground, and it’s branches drink in those nutrients to grow strong and stable. The branches remain strong as long as they’re connected to the vine. The imagery is complete when people accept that we’re the branches. Believers in Jesus remain stable and secure as long as we’re connected to the vine, Jesus.

Seamstresses know that a single strand of thread is easily broken. To secure a button to a shirt, seamstresses use a double strand of thread. Check out the lesson, linked below, to see the strongest strand, or cord.

Every garden has a gardener who tends the plants. The heavenly Father is our gardener. He plants the seeds, (birthing babies into a family). He created sunshine and water to make the seeds grow (parents shelter, clothe, and feed kids). God nourishes his plants with tender loving care—providing everything needed to grow kids stable, strong and secure.

The people of the world worry about getting stuff they need. Jesus advises His followers in Matthew 6:8: “Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

Branches have purpose besides growing strong. Their job is to produce fruit. But, branches only produce fruit as long as they’re connected to the vine. And, if branches don’t produce fruit, the gardener cuts them off the vine. These branches wither and die from lack of nourishment. Such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire, and burned (John 15:2, 6).

Only branches that remain connected to the vine produce fruit. It’s impossible to produce fruit apart from Jesus (John 15:4), because whoever remains connected to Jesus hears His Word, and lives it. All God’s kids produce fruit. As long as God’s kids remain in Jesus, they produce much fruit.

Take Home Nugget

The gardener doesn’t rest with mere fruit-producing branches. He prunes them, so that they produce more fruit. Pruning cuts stuff out of Christian lives that don’t belong, shaping us in righteousness. Jesus followers grow more like Him every day.
Producing “fruit” is as simple as flashing your smile. Soon, whoever saw yours, pass smiles onto others. See the ripple of fruit your smile produced?

Heavenly Father, thank You for providing for my every need. Please prune me gently, eliminating wrong behavior from my life. Help me to produce fruit for Your kingdom, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

J.D. Griffith

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