Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Shepherd to Sheep


Part one of seven in I AM devotional series

John 10:1-16

Verse 7: “Therefore Jesus said again, ‘I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.’”

When God introduced Himself to Moses, “I am the God of your father...” in Exodus 3:6, Moses understood right away. The burning bush confirmed it. Then Moses needed an answer for the Jews he was freeing from Egyptian captivity about who sent him. God told him in Exodus 3:14, “Tell them I AM has sent me to you.” “I AM WHO I AM.” is God’s mysterious statement.

People still wonder, Who is this I AM?

God’s Son Jesus came to show us God. This series hopes to finish Jesus’ “I AM” sentences. Jesus describes Himself with the same “I am,” (in lower case letters), then finishes the sentence several ways. They define Him as our Savior. The opening scripture says that Jesus is the gate.


Jesus was fond of using common things to explain the spiritual. Sheep and shepherd are terms people get. The imagery is perfect. Jesus is Lord—or shepherd for believers—who’re sheep. Haha. Get over yourself! You’re more like a sheep than you’re willing to admit.

The sheepfold had no door that opened and closed, just an opening where sheep entered the pen. The shepherd would make sure all sheep made it safely in for the night, then lay down across the opening to sleep. Hence, Jesus is the gate, or door.

Inside Jesus’ sheepfold, people who chose to make Jesus Lord of their lives are ALWAYS safe. Nothing escapes Jesus’ eyes and ears. He hears His sheep cry out for help every time we’re in trouble. Jesus won’t allow any evil to touch His sheep, because it can’t get past Jesus lying across the gate.

Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.” in John 10:11. “The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.” (Jesus died on the cross so people’s sins can be forgiven). Because God is omnipresent [om-ne-PRES-ent] means everywhere at once, and omniscient [om-NEESH-ent] means all knowing, Jesus’ sheep everywhere in the world are kept safe.

Take Home Nugget

What’s sheep to me? Sheep follow. Sheep wander off. Sheep bleat (cry out). Wolves kill sheep. As Jesus’ disciples, believers follow Him. We often get side tracked by the world. We tend to get into trouble, and cry out for help. The devil attacks believers daily, trying to win souls away from God.

So each time you’re scared, cry out to Jesus. His saving blood marks your door as His sheep. Jesus is your gate to the Father, as well as your door to heaven.

Jesus lays down across the opening daily to keep His sheep safe.

J.D. Griffith

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