Friday, July 5, 2013

Prisoners of Hope


Zechariah 9:12

“Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.”

Imagine a jail cell in your mind. It’s a happy place. It’s where you run into and lock the door whenever you’re sad, angry, or attacked. The cell is your refuge. Safely inside, you can mock whoever’s prowling around the outside. Like the devil, who always accuses you of something, you can stick out your tongue and say, “Na, Nah, Na, Nah, Nah!”

Sorrow is not allowed in your happy place.

Prisoners of Hope believe that God will deliver every promise He made in the Bible. Regardless of life circumstances, they remain happy. They know to whom they belong, and are grateful for being counted as God’s kids. They pray troubles into Jesus’ capable hands. With hearts full of peace (Jesus’ peace), they sing triumphant songs. They continue on their path doing their absolute best.

Prisoners of Hope laugh at the devil when he reminds them that their situation is hopeless. “I can’t see victory, but I’m already making plans for my party,” they confidently declare.

Prisoners of Hope hold their heads high when reminded of past sins. “That old problem is buried and forgotten!” they explain, dismissing Satan with a wave of the hand.

Yet, too many believers in Christ are sad, freaked, or bored with life. Check out ten year old Jeremy scuffing his sneakers on the cement, kicking stones aimlessly.

His classmate, Brad, screeched his bike to a halt. “Hey Jerm! What’s up?” Brad asked.

“Nuthin,” Jeremy replied.

“Wanna go swimming?” Brad asked.

“Nah,” Jeremy said.

Wanna shoot hoops?” Brad continued.


“Wanna throw football?” Brad pressed.

Jeremy looked up, but shook his head, no.

Brad parked his bike, and grabbed Jeremy around the shoulders. “Comeon, Jeremy. It’s the middle of summer! Let’s have some fun!”

Jeremy smiled. “Thanks for trying to cheer me up.” he said. “Some funk has me down.”

Brad reminded Jeremy, “Remember every day we die to self, we die to sin. We’re alive in Jesus! Let’s celebrate, Jeremy. Today is a gift called the present!”

Jeremy laughed out loud, despite his bad mood and Brad’s corny joke. “You’re right, Brad! I need to lock myself in my happy place for a bit!”

Take Home Nugget

1 Peter 5:8b and 9a says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing strong in your faith...” Your happy place is where your smile returns when you remember that you’re a prisoner of hope.

God’s kids are free from sin, and prisoners of hope and joy.

Wishing everyone in the USA a happy 4th of July Independence holiday.

J.D. Griffith

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Prisoners of Hope

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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