Friday, February 22, 2013

Desired Will


Part 2 of 3 in Will of God Series

Jeremiah 29:11-13

Verse 11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Determined Will (of God) devotion showed what will happen. Our sovereign God can do anything He wants, and He made up His mind about our future before the creation of the world. He never asked permission, nor did He ask any person’s opinion.

But God wants way more from His created beings than robots that fall obediently in line. Scotty showed us (in Determined Will devotion) that humans have limited free will to resist, even rebel against the determined will of people. While no one can escape God’s judgment, or any of God’s determined will, people have wiggle room in His desired will for us. He desires His kids to have peace and joy, for instance. How we get there is where we play around the fringes.

The opening Scripture paints a loving picture of God’s desired will for His people. Hope and a future—isn’t that the same thing that people want for themselves? That’s why God gave us His Ten Commandments. He knows that following His moral law bring people joy and peace. His Word is full of other goodies where we discover that thankfulness and forgiveness add other dimensions of meaning and satisfaction to our lives. Obtaining the fullness of God’s blessings is where humans can play around the fringes, depending on how we choose to live.

What do you WANT to do? God seeds every person with specific talents and skills which are different from everyone else. God predestined—yes—He pre determined every person’s life. Your work, job, or career was always God’s desired plan for your life. Are you surprised? Even when we switch gears and head down a different path, with divine guidance, our work will still “fit” the person we were created to be.

Oh. What about daily hum-drum? Yes, that too. Ask God to show you where you misplaced something, and He’ll lead you directly to it. He’s that invested in your personal life!

Take Home Nugget

Do you have a different opinion about God’s sovereignty now? Being all-knowing AND all-powerful is an unbeatable combination for our heavenly Father. Check out the lesson, linked below, to discover ancient truths how God assured His kids of His plans in the opening Scripture.

Holy sovereign Lord, You are awesome! I often forget who’s in charge, and sit behind the wheel in the driver’s seat of my life. Forgive my arrogance, and accept my surrender now. The view from the passenger seat is bright and free! Hallelujah! Amen.

J.D. Griffith

Click here for an Interactive-Online-Lesson for Desired Will

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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