Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paradise Today


Luke 23:41-43

“Then he [criminal on a cross next to Jesus] said, ‘We are being punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong!’ Then he said, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into Your kingdom.’

“Jesus answered him, ‘I tell you the truth, today you will be with Me in paradise.’”

Paradise. That word summons up other fun words like thrill, excitement, delight, joy, happiness, bliss, cloud nine. Heaven is our paradise—just like for the criminal who was crucified on a cross next to our Savior. Lucky thing for him that the punished could talk to each other while hanging-on-their-crosses torture. Otherwise, he would not have gone to paradise that dreadful Good Friday almost 2,000 years ago.

Believers in Jesus Christ celebrate Easter every year because Jesus is alive. That fact is our promise that we will also rise from the dead one day. While our paradise may not come today, it’s in sight just because Jesus is alive. Although Jesus suffered torment physically and mentally during His Passion Week, His resurrection accomplished everything that His birth promised. Our Father praised His Son with well-done approval.

Let’s explore some big words that explain what Jesus achieved for humankind’s salvation:

A. Redemption. Jesus paid the full price for our way out of the sin debt we owed. That was—by the way—eternal death. Jesus also set us free from the bondage to sin.

B. Forgiveness. Now those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God can live free from the punishment we deserve.

C. Propitiation. Pro-PIT-che-a-shon is a Greek word that means accepting one thing in exchange for another. Jesus’ death satisfied our Father’s demand for justice, so that now He is willing to forgive our sins.

D. Justification. Jus-tif-i-KA-shon trough Christ is evidence that now we’re innocent of sin. This legal declaration can never be reversed! Although we’ll still sin in this life, we appear blameless before our Father.

D. Reconciliation. Rek-on-SIL-e-a-shon means settled reunion. We may now approach our Father with confidence that He hears and answers prayers.

Lucky thing for us that Jesus came for all people. His free gift of salvation remains open for anyone who claims Jesus as Savior and Lord. Heaven is believers’ paradise which they’ll enter upon physical death.

Take Home Nugget

During our lives, we too will face different kinds of torment, just as Jesus did. Life is not supposed to be easy. Earthly life is the test road—our only chance to decide our future by the choices we make while alive.

Paradise ahead on God’s highway.

Lots of roads end there, many claim.

Don’t listen to what they say!

Only one way to paradise, and Jesus is His name.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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