Friday, January 13, 2012



Luke 6:46-49

V. 46: “‘Why do you call MeLord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?’”

Benjy yelled, “Lord, please give us snow!”

“Be careful how you use the Lord’s Name, Benjy.” his Mom counseled. “Is the weather important enough to you that you cry out to the Lord?”

8-year old Benjy gulped. He remembered his older cousin, Jeremy’s warning about how to follow Jesus, since He’s Lord, and came for Benjy. (See Jesus 4 Us and Jesus’ Lordship devotion). “Jeremy said that how I respond to Jesus being Lord of my life is my decision. I decided to let Jesus call the shots in my life now. He came for me, you know. I was just asking Jesus for snow, so that we’d have another long weekend from during Christmas.”

“Oh.” Benjy’s Mom said. “Well honey, that’s great! But using the word "Lord" should not be used carelessly, or in casual conversation. Jesus is God. He has supreme power over all creation—the whole universe! We use Jesus Name, "Lord" in crying out to Him for help in emergencies, Benjy. Not necessarily for a long weekend from school.”

Benjy’s Mom is correct. The Greek word for Jesus’ title is kurios—One Who rules the lives of others for their own good. Aren’t we lucky to serve such an amazing God? Benjy knows this, and is why he turned to Jesus for another long weekend.

With too many of God’s kids, embracing Jesus as Lord of their lives only comes in emergency situations. We’re to be careful by how we speak casually with such power. Even so, let us always tuck Jesus’ Lordship and what that means in the front of our hearts and minds. It’s fine to call Jesus "Lord" in prayer, for example, but certainly not as a curse, or as an exclamation of emotion.

Jesus’ point, in the opening Scripture is that too many who embrace Him as Lord of their lives do not obey Him. This is the person who does whatever he wants, without regard to the Lord’s will. When things go badly, that person can’t handle the problems that arise, and freaks out. But the person who follows the Lord leads a life that can weather any storm—with confidence—all the way to victory. That’s the difference between building a house (life) on rock (Jesus) or sand (self).

Won’t you decide to find victory in a life filled with confidence instead of forever fighting raging storms?

Take Home Nugget

Those who say they’ll obey Jesus—"when."..or "if"...even "but"...invent reasons why they refuse to obey—defy His Lordship. Let us prepare to obey Him without resistance in everything.

It’s no small thing to trust and obey,

But oh what glory He sheds on our way!

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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