Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Jesus' Lordship


Romans 14:7-12

Vv. 7-8: “For none of us lives to himself alone, and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”

Benjy, 8 years old, wasn’t done asking his 10 year-old cousin Jeremy, questions. (See Jesus 4 Us devotion). “I think it’s so cool that Jesus came for me, Jerm. But what does that mean, like, how am I supposed to react?”

Great question, Benjy! Every person—especially Christians—ought to ask that! Everybody assumes that one’s future is solely up to him, or her. But that’s not true. Destiny, or one’s fate isn’t up to chance, either. One’s future isn’t determined by the number of spaces on the game board of life. Who gets to throw the dice that numbers your steps? Life is not a game!

It ought to be very comforting to know that Jesus is the One Who’s in charge. He loves you unconditionally, completely, and totally apart from your behavior. He wants your very best. And He’s got a plan to bring you victory, with hope and a real future (Jeremiah 29:11). His authority isn’t limited only to those who claim Him as King: He’s King to those who dismiss Him as unimportant—whether they know it or not! The whole universe is subject to Jesus’ authority. His Lordship cannot be ignored.

Rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord will cost people plenty. Those who build their houses (lives) on the solid rock of Christ withstand all storms. Those who recognize Jesus’ Lordship—claim Him as King and live according to His will—obey His every command. In turn, their surrendered lives are blessed with joy, peace, and victory (Romans 15:18, Philippians 4:7).

It’s true that God’s gift of free will allows His kids to rebel against Jesus’ Lordship, if they so choose. Sometimes, God’s rebels succeed. This is when Jesus says that they’ve received their reward in full (Matthew 6:5). But often, rebels' lives fail miserably.

How is Jeremy supposed to answer Benjy’s question?

Take Home Nugget

Kneeling before Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives is the wisest decision we’ll ever make. The sovereign Lord of the universe chose you, formed you (Jeremiah 1:5), and wants your best—of all possibilities—blessing you every day.

Jeremy said, “Benjy, I choose to follow and obey Jesus. That’s my decision. Only you can decide how to respond to Jesus’ Lordship. But, I urge you to consider carefully. Eternity is forever, and I want you to be with me in heaven.”

More of Jesus; less of me

Life of full surrender is how I choose to be.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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