Tuesday, October 18, 2011



Second of four in Tent of Meeting devotion Series

Isaiah 66:1

“This is what the Lord says: ‘Heaven is My throne,

And the earth is My footstool.

Where is there the house you will build for Me?

Where will My resting place be?’”

Jules answered correctly in Tent of Meeting devotion. Once the kids understood the down side of having fun when their 4-grade teacher, Ms. Landis, stepped out of the classroom, they stopped. (Well, mostly, anyway.) But Jules, more than the other kids, know that rules are important. Being Jewish, she learned how specifically God instructed Moses about the tabernacle’s construction (Exodus 36-40), even down to the priest’s garments.

That little Tent of Meeting became a large, portable worship center called the Tabernacle. Exodus 35 shows how Moses got the Israelites to donate their precious gems, gold, silver, and bronze for the materials to use in obedience to the Lord’s instructions. They donated scarlet, blue, and purple yarn, fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red. Acadia wood, olive oil to light the lanterns, spices for anointing oil and fragrant incense were collected. Everyone who was skilled at doing stuff contributed their time and talent to building the Tabernacle (Exodus 36:2).

The very fact that God approved of and instructed Moses how to make a place for His residence ought to be encouraging for every believer. God is not some distant disinterested custodian of His creation. Quite the opposite is true! He repeatedly reaches out to people, eager to form relationships with each of us. He longs to live among us; His choice home is our hearts.

Spending time in Bible study welcomes Him to “tabernacle” (TAB-er-NAK-le can also be used as a verb that means to meet) with us. He sent His Son Jesus, to die on the cross so that we can be rejoined to the Father. (Jesus’ name, Immanuel, means God with us—Matthew 1:23). God also gave us His Holy Spirit, who indwells whoever believes in Jesus.

Take Home Nugget

Building the Tabernacle of the Lord was much more than just constructing a home for God to reside. The lesson was a bonding of man to his Creator: a Father instructing His child. Moses showed all God’s kids how to obey instructions—to the letter. The Father’s directions are never meant to be a burden. They demonstrate His unquestionable authority and holiness.

Our lesson is to approach Holy God on His terms, and not our own.

Do the 4th graders get the lesson yet?

How cool that God loves the specifics of me!

His loving care and guidance is individual, you see.

You’ll never be me, and you I could never be.

This relationship cannot be bought at any fee!

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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