Friday, October 7, 2011

Jaw-Dropping Awesome


Isaiah 41:17-20

Verse 18: “I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.”

Inside Floral Showcase greenhouse is a sign that reads, “Enter, friends, and view God’s pleasant handiwork, the embroidery of earth.” This botanical garden, on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, houses beautiful flowers and exotic plants of awe-inspiring splendor1. We just finished the Alphabet of God’s Promises devotions—and this devotion is to remind His kids how our heavenly Father adorns our home with majestic beauty.

Weren’t His promises amazing? God meets, and often exceeds, every need we have. How many times does it happen, often even before you pray, that His gift lands in your lap? Spooky, huh? Let’s just take a day off, and rest in God’s splendor.

If you’ve never been to the lush rainforests of Brazil, imagine green deep and long as far as the eye can see. Dense, humid heat—flush with life—erupts critters, big and small. The teeming forest chatters and flutters to life. Looking right, then left, you suck in air so moist that your breath wrings it out. A creepy feeling floods a sense that we’re not alone; many eyes are watching.

Zoom to the top of a glacier, at the top of the world. The starkly forbidden Arctic Circle icy winds automatically wrap arms around us. Frosty air chills our lungs all the way down to our toes. The snowy white polar bears stare us down, daring us to stay. Blue white feels so lonely, that we hate to leave.

Vibrantly multicolored, fertile Serengeti, in Africa, awakens senses as though from a deep sleep. Giraffes, elephants, and lions stalk, fully aware of our presence. Here, we tiptoe, breathing in pregnant energy. Surely, life originated in Africa!

Tornado Alley, Kansas, USA, welcomes you with soft breath. Your bare feet are swift, racing a tumbleweed to the road where eighteen wheelers dominate. Wheat sway to the tune of “Stay for Dinner.” Feeling at home, even the rabbits don’t run away. Licking your lips, you taste the abundance of the breadbasket—the North American plains—which could feed the whole world.

Take Home Nugget

Scripture displays pictures of individual wonders of God’s creative handiwork. From vast landscapes to one flawless rose, God paints our world. His colors are richer and more dramatic than we could imagine. His creation a wonder. Such a splendorous display deserves our praise for God’s “embroidery of earth.”

J.D. Griffith

If God’s creation helps you see

What wonders He can do

Then trust the many promises

That He has given you.

D. De Haan

1”Embroidery of Earth.” Dave Branon. Our Daily Bread. Michigan, USA. August 13, 2011.

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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