Friday, September 23, 2011



Psalm 16:5-6

“Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”

Jeremy waved his schoolmates over at recess, football in hand. “Let’s play some football up on the terrace” he urged.

“Yeah! Good idea” the guys agreed, running to the terrace.

“The trees and the fence will be out-of-bounds on each side. Past the last basketball hoop here, and the gravel area down there will be the end zones. Pick your teams, guys.” Jeremy said.

Out-of-bounds marks where play stops—where the ball is “dead.” Markers for fair-play game zones are necessary. Unbiased game, points earned, and rules are unquestioned when boundaries are established. Recess is too short to finish a football game, but no one cares. It’s still fun.

The prophet Jeremiah warned Judah about their continued living outside God’s out-of-bounds. The Israelites were disobedient and rebellious. They didn’t fear, or obey God, Who blessed them with rain that nourished their crops. They got rich by cheating. They didn’t even take care of the poor, or defend the orphaned. (Jeremiah 5:21-31).

God never changes. The Bible spells out our heavenly Father’s moral boundaries to live by. His out-of-bounds markers are everlasting—that which we still may not cross—to attain life’s best. Out-of-bounds are established to prevent us harm, and are not intended to frustrate. What if God had not created land to keep the ocean where it belongs? All the land would be covered up! Every creation needs to learn, and obey its out-of- bounds.

The sea sends waves that pound the sandy beach every few seconds—as though it’s begging for something. But the moon determines when the waves recede further out to the ocean. Recess is over when low tide arrives every day, like clockwork. Sometimes wind whips up a storm, causing angry waves that roar when pounding the beach. But the sea knows that the land is out-of-bounds (Jeremiah 5:22). It doesn’t care. Pounding the beach is still fun.

In like matter, God’s kids sometimes “kick up a storm.” No matter. He’s still God, and He’s still in control.

Take Home Nugget

God gave us parents who teach kids what’s allowed, and what’s not. We learn early about out-of-bounds, and the word, “No!” We learn where we may play, when to come home, and how we’re to act. We learn manners, we learn about love and hate. We learn how to use utensils to eat. Parents’ out-of-bounds behavior is taught so that others will like us.

God’s commands rain down as hail

And we’re told to obey.

Our human ideas will only fail

When we insist, anyway!

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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