Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No More Intense Love


John 15:12-14

The Message Verse 13: “This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends.”

We learned in Dependence Advantages devotion that our parents instinctively love us—even when we’re bad. God’s love for His children extends why beyond our parent’s love. The proof is Romans 5:8. It says, “…God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Now reread the opening Scripture.

Did you catch Jesus’ last phrase about putting His life on the line for His friends? He was speaking to His disciples when He said this. How do you think they responded after hearing these words? Would you willingly die for your friends? But there’s more. You’re considered Jesus’ disciple, when you believe in and follow Him. Are you also Jesus’ friend? “You are My friends if you do what I command.” (John 15:14).

Jesus died on the cross for you. And, He also died on the cross for those who hate Him. Would you, could you die for someone who hates you? Now that’s intense love! We bond with other people. We work at building strong relationships with those we consider friends. We expect that friendships will last a lifetime, don’t we? Your lifetime, or their’s?

Long distance friendships are tough. Writing and calling seems weak when we can’t look into another’s eyes, walk along side, or laugh together at the same joke. Even though our best friends sometimes move away, we’re still friends. The bond you created isn’t easily broken. One of you would have to stop corresponding altogether for the friendship to die. And even after many years, a friendship can be re-ignited.

Even though Jesus is currently in Heaven, He’s right beside you. He’s listening and watching—totally immersed in your thoughts, passions, and activities. He hears your jokes, maybe even laughs with you. (Or maybe not). The point is that God’s love is so intense that He gave His Son to die on the cross for us. Forgiveness for our sins guarantees our eternal salvation.

Take Home Nugget

Jesus’ love for us is so intense that He willingly accepted being borm so that He could die.  He agreed to be born into flesh as a mortal human baby. Nobody tricked Jesus. He understood completely why He came to Earth. How intense is His love for us that He would surrender His divinity! He learned as a baby to grow into adulthood, same as us. He’s cool with our (not so) long-distance relationship. Are you willing to maintain your friendship with King Jesus, or maybe re-ignite it?

God’s intense love for His children

Is shown by never forsaking our care.

His love is everlasting—

Even when we’re unaware.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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