Friday, June 17, 2011

Lost Child


Luke 15:11-31

Vv. 23-24: “Bring me the fatted calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.”

Amariah went to his Dad with a burning question.

“Hey Dad, I was wondering…may I have the share of my inheritance now? I want to see the world, and find out who I am.”

Amariah’s Dad looked into his son’s eyes. “Let me get this straight. You want your share of the estate before I die?”

“Uh, yeah, that’s right. I am trying to figure out what I want to do the rest of my life.”

“So, you want to ‘discover yourself’ away from me?”

“Yeah, that’s about it.”

“Ok, then. I’ll bring you your share of my estate tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Dad!” Amariah said, hugging his Dad tight. Then he ran off to collect his personal things. He tied his stuff on a donkey. He waited, pacing the ground.

“You’re loafing, Amariah! Why aren’t you helping with our chores?” his brother asked.

“Dad’s going to give me my share of the estate, so I can leave here tomorrow.”

The next day dawned bright, and Amariah stuffed his money inside the pack on the donkey’s back. He kissed Dad Good-Bye, waved to his brother, and set off. First night found Amariah at a tavern ten miles out, chugging one beer after another. He awoke beside a woman whose name he’d forgotten. He set out again.

Going ten miles every day, following this same routine, finally found Amariah waking alone on a straw mattress. He searched in his pack for money for this day’s travel.

Amariah was broke!

Oh my goodness, how will I eat? he thought. He walked to a farm, and asked the farmer, “Please give me work, so I can earn money for food, sir.”

“You can slop the hog pen, son” the farmer said.

Amariah, muddy and wet, saw the corn cobs the hogs were munching on. He licked his lips. Dad would give me corn cobs to eat, he thought. So Amariah hopped on his donkey and headed home.

Amariah’s Dad saw a donkey approaching. Is that my son, Amariah? It IS!! his Dad thought. He ran full speed towards the donkey, stopping for Amariah’s hug. “You’re HOME, son! I am so glad to see you. Get ready for a feast tonight. I’m going to throw you a welcome-home party.”

Take Home Nugget

You are Amariah. Think about it. His Dad represents our heavenly Father, Who loves you forever, unconditionally, regardless of your sins. Heaven throws a party whenever a lost child returns home! The Prodigal Son is fictitiously named Amariah in this devotion.


J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff Written for

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