Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Father Elohim


Nehemiah 1:1-11

V. 11: “They [Jews exiled to Babylon, now living back in Jerusalem] are Your servants and Your people, whom You redeemed by Your great strength and Your mighty hand. O Lord, let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of this Your servant to the prayer of Your servants who delight in revering Your name. Give Your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.”

Nehemiah worked with stones and cement as a building contractor. But during his exile to Babylon, he worked as cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. Nehemiah knew many names for God. He knew: Eliohim—God’s name that shows His sovereignty (SOV-rin-tee means power, rule, control). Elohim is a Greek noun that’s plural, but the verb used with it is singular. This shows how our Triune God—3 persons—is 1 God. Nehemiah depended on God’s power, and never doubted.

As cupbearer, Nehemiah tasted the food and drink before the king ate and drank (in case it was poisoned). He had to be cheerful all the time. If he acted differently, the King would likely suspect danger and punish him.

One day, bad news arrived from Jerusalem. The city was totally destroyed! Nehemiah so wanted to supervise its rebuilding, and couldn’t hide his sorrow. The king got suspicious.

“Nehemiah, are you sick?”

Nehemiah gulped. He thought quickly, "Uh-oh! How can I explain?" He said aloud, “I’m sorry, great King. How can I be cheerful when Jerusalem lies in ruins, its gate destroyed by fire?” (Nehemiah 2:1-3).

“Oh. How can I help?”

“If you’re pleased with me, O king, please let me go there and help rebuild the city.” (Nehemiah 2:5).

“How long will it take?”

Nehemiah and the King agreed on the details, and Nehemiah was released to rebuild Jerusalem—materials in hand! God performed a miracle for Nehemiah! But that’s not all—Nehemiah was successful at everything! He got the walls rebuilt (chapters 2, 3, 4), helped the poor (chapter 5), and helped resettle people (chapter 11). Twelve years later Nehemiah returned to Babylon and King Artaxerxes (2:1, 13:6).

God’s original name for Himself is I AM, or Yahweh, which means the One Who never changes. Another name for God is Adonai (a-DON-i means majesty and Lordship). Nehemiah was certain of God’s qualities, and stood firm on them. He was victorious in everything he attempted.

The miracle God worked for Nehemiah isn’t unusual; He’s still in the miracle business today.

Take Home Nugget

God can, and will do awesome things for you, too. Understanding all of God’s names gives His kids confidence in His abilities and power.

I can always depend on my heavenly Father, Elohim

Yesterday, today, tomorrow He remains the same.

Always faithful, forever in control

He loves me! Praise His holy Name!

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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