Friday, December 24, 2010

No Room

Luke 2:5-7
“He [Joseph] went there [Bethlehem] to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the Inn.”

We hear this message every Christmas, and the passage affects people differently. Varied emotions emerge whenever it’s read aloud. Moms image giving birth in a stable—Ugh! Dads image leading a donkey all the way from Nazareth with his pregnant wife in tow—Oh my! Kids often wonder how they ever got where they were headed, with no lights, and going so slowly—Are we there yet?

What always grabs my attention is the Innkeeper. Let’s picture the scene as Joseph stops the donkey in front of the Inn. “Okay Mary” he’d say, lifting her to her feet.

“It’s so good to stand up and walk!” Mary’d comment, stretching her legs. “This looks like a nice place, Joseph.”

Joseph would open the front door, and they would step inside a dimly-lit room. The people congregated there would stop and stare as they walk to the desk. “My good man” Joseph would greet the Innkeeper. “Have you a room where we could stay for a few days?”

The balding Innkeeper probably would sigh when looking at Joseph. When he’d look at Mary, trying to avoid looking at her bulging waist, he’d sigh again before saying, “I am very sorry. We’re full, and most rooms have two to three families cramped inside.” He’d stop speaking to watch their reaction.

Mary bites her lower lip, searching Joseph’s face before turning to the Innkeeper. “Sir, how would you advise us?”

Joseph turns to the Innkeeper, forehead wrinkling in desperation.

The Innkeeper says, looking from Joseph to Mary, “There’s simply no room anywhere in Bethlehem. I am truly sorry…but wait a minute!” he straightens up, raising his brows. “I have a stable out back! A couple cows and sheep eat and stay warm there, but I’ll offer it to you, if you want.”

Joseph looks at Mary, who eagerly nods her head, eyes bright. He says, “Thank you, Sir! We’ll take the stable, if that’s the only place where there’s room.”

Take Home Nugget

The stable worked out very well, indeed! But the point is: Is there room in your heart for Jesus? Or have you rented your heart out to another?

Dearest Jesus, You claim all my days
Where I love and give You highest praise.
You died, taking away my sin and shame—
Oh bless the Savior’s holy name!
J.D. Griffith

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