Friday, December 3, 2010

Growing Challenge

Matthew 16:25
v. 25: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.’”

Jesus proposal takes much courage. Many times during our walk through life following Jesus, we struggle with His directions. We tend to question them. We find ways to distrust whether they really come from God. Often they don’t make sense to our human reasoning. Peter couldn’t accept that His King would be killed, (Matthew 16:21-22). Jesus’ words were counter to Peter’s thinking.

Jesus challenges our thinking today—and that’s the rub.

Bargaining, counter proposal, or compromise is most often our response to His leading. Why do we prefer trying to make a deal rather than agreeing and obeying? In one word, the answer is pride. For humans to submit his or her will to God requires more than most are willing to give. “It’s my life!” people insist. “I want…” and they list personal goals that are more important than what God wants them to do: go where He wants them, do His work. But denying self is Jesus’ first element of following Him.

God’s instructions are not mere suggestions, they’re commands. Humans tend to rebel when given orders. But hesitating, offering what we’re willing to do is really disobedience.
Carrying our own cross is not as heavy as it was for Jesus. His cross was heavy plank wood, Ours could be anything we must live with that disagrees with personal choice. When we decide to obey, God’s kids are given the gift of love for the unlovely, patience for the disagreeable, long-suffering for the ones we serve.

This is called grace. And grace carries us through every storm elegantly. Picking up our cross becomes cheerful, with grace. Following Jesus becomes an honor instead of a burden. Suddenly we’ve fulfilled Jesus’ requirements, and we forgot why we didn’t want to submit to His will. Don’t look now, but you’re Jesus’ disciple!

Following Jesus isn’t guesswork, either. Scripture confirms divine direction. We’ll never be asked to do anything that is contrary to biblical principles. Don’t forget that the Holy Spirit, Who lives inside you, will lead you in all truth. Every time God’s kid seeks direction, He’s pleased to show us exactly what He means.

Take Home Nugget

Peter finally got it, after Jesus scolded him in front of the disciples (Matthew 16:23). The Lord was redirecting his thinking to a life of humble service rather than imagining him exalted to a high position. And Peter did become the rock upon which Jesus built His church (Matthew 16:18).

When God’s kids do as Jesus says, we find that His way is way better than anything we could have dreamed following our own desires.
When we submit to You, to follow and obey, we’ll never have to defend our sinful way.
J.D. Griffith

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