Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chiseling Grace

Romans 28-30
V. 31: “If God be for us, who can be against us?”

Adair, and his two buddies Chester and Brian—all 4th graders—ganged up on the underclassmen Greg and Timmy, in 3rd, and Marshall—2nd grade. “So you want pointers on playing soccer?” Adair asked, kicking Marshall in his shins. “First off: don’t challenge guys bigger than yourself!” (See Spiritual Ears devotion).

Chester and Brian kicked the ball back and forth to each other across the field. Greg, Timmy, and Marshall chased after the ball, failing to intercept it. Timmy put his hands up, yelling, “Huddle up!”

Everybody froze.
Timmy whispered, his arms around Marshall and Greg, “We’ve got to play man-to-man. Everyone defend one opponent.”

Greg went up to Brian, addressing Marshall. “Watch and copy how I defend, and try stealing the ball by kicking it to your teammates.”

God’s predestined every believer to be conformed into the likeness of His Son, Jesus. This process begins the moment a person accepts Jesus as Savior, and continues until we join Him in heaven. How does this conforming take place? We become like Jesus one chisel strike at a time—with God’s grace replacing our sin nature—into a righteous spirit. No wonder sanctification takes an entire lifetime!

God uses every one of our failures to demonstrate His patience. Our conscience advises us of sin, and when we repent of that sin, we grow a tiny bit more righteousness—closer to being conformed into Jesus’ image. Each chisel strike only hurts our pride. The point is that no one can sin beyond God’s capacity to forgive, and His grace affords us another chance.

This two-on-two (with one man as goalie on each side) soccer game ended with recess’ bell ringing. Adair said to Marshall, “Hope I didn’t hurt you when we began.”

“Naw, that’s what the guards are for.”

“I hear you’re a diver.”

“Yes, I’m better in the pool than the soccer field.”

“For a runt, you’re not half bad…and you defended Chester very well.”

“Thanks, Adair…and thanks for your patience, showing me how to play better.”

“No problem…Want to continue this tomorrow?”

Amazing Promise devotion shows how Adair, Brian, and Chester first felt about Marshall. They ridiculed him and wanted him to leave their school. Chisel, chisel, chisel. Now they’re getting to know him. Even as a second-grader, could they become friends with Marshall?

Take Home Nugget

Our heavenly Father continues shaping his kids, using His chisel to carve a masterpiece…until He sees Jesus when looking at us. Do you remember that apostle Paul went from sinner to saint? See Acts 26:10-11.

The Great Physician holds the cure
Chiseling out the virus of sin.
Jesus’ atoning blood is pure
Sanctifying us whole from within.

J.D. Griffith

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