Friday, August 13, 2010

Sure Victory

1Samuel 17:33-50
V. 46: “This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.”

Another sunny day, Greg and Timmy waited in line to go off the high diving board. “Do you think that Marshall can really teach me how to dive into the pool?” Greg wondered aloud. (See Safety Zone devotion).

“He says it’s easy from the pike position” Timmy said, looking around. “Wonder where he is?”

After Greg soaked the entire area—pool and lawn—with his cannon ball, they took a break.
Sitting on the bench, slurping fudge sickles, Greg said, “Legs up, hands down—right?”

“What?” Timmy asked.

“To do a dive from the pike position! Where is Marshall? He was coming today, right?”

“On second thought, to do a dive from the pike position you’ll need to go off the high diving board…I thought it would be less intimidating from the low board” a voice said.

“Marshall! There you are. What’s up?”

“Not enough room to maneuver (man-OOV-er, meaning exercise, movement) from the low board…unless you jump really high…not sure you’d want to do that, either.”

“What’s wrong, Marshall?” Greg moved over and patted the bench. “Sit down and tell us, buddy.”

“My little sister was rushed to the hospital.”

“Oh. I’m really sorry. How come you’re here?” Timmy asked.

“Mom said she’d pick me up on their way home from the hospital, around five o’clock. … I’m so scared, guys!” Marshall buried his face in the crook of his arm, his tears spilling out, dropping on his thigh.

“This is scary, Marshall. Don’t feel bad about caring for your sister, we get that, little buddy.”

“I know what” Timmy said. “Let’s ask God to heal your sister. I know he will! The three of us can ask Him. Right here, right now. How about it?”

Greg said, “The pool’s pretty empty. We can sit right here on the bench, like we’re talking now…no one needs to know what we’re really doing. OK with me. Will you say the prayer, Timmy?”

Marshall sniffed, and bowed his head.

Take Home Nugget

Timmy said, “OK”, bowing his head. “Our Father in heaven, we bring you Marshall’s little sister for you to heal. Please give Marshall and his family courage to overcome this terrible illness. Bring her home in victory soon, Lord. We’re depending on You, and we thank You. Amen.”

Even with limited resources, with unwavering confidence, we can triumph over all with faith in our all-powerful God.

J.D. Griffith

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