Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Empowered Confidence

Philippians 4:5-13
V. 13: “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

Have you ever been afraid to begin something new, unsure about what could go wrong? Ever been afraid of failing? Do you get bogged down from making decisions with fireworks of “what if” questions? Has anyone teased you by calling you a scardy cat? Do you want confidence, certain that you can handle whatever comes your way?

Great! You’ve come to the right place. The apostle Paul sure sounds like he’s got this confidence thing under wraps, doesn’t he? Let’s imitate the guy who learned from the Master—Jesus Christ.

Paul wasn’t always so confident, but he made a good choice when following a voice that accused him of persecution. (Acts 9:4-5). That voice—accompanied a bright light streaming down to Earth from Heaven—was Jesus. Can you feel Paul’s terror? He WAS persecuting followers of Jesus! Yikes! Who ratted Paul out?

Paul grasped the confidence lesson fast. One second he was face down on the ground, and blind. I’m so sorry to have persecuted You, Jesus, please help me! could have been the urgent prayer rope that reeled Jesus’ peace into Paul’s inner core. That was all the proof Paul needed.
Do you think that he thought of anything else on his way to Damascus except the people he approved for stoning to death? (Stephen: Acts 7:55-58). Do you imagine the promises Paul could have made to Jesus during his time of uncertainty? Did he make a deal with Jesus that if he’d get his eyesight back, he’d tell others about Jesus for the rest of his life? When his sight was restored, (Acts 9:11-19), Paul never looked back.

We only know the history about how Paul sowed seeds, preaching the Gospel of Christ throughout the known world. So when Paul tells us that he’s content in every situation, we can believe him (Philippians 4:5-7). Paul remained joy-filled. He didn’t worry, and was always at peace—even as a prisoner. How come? Because he knew one thing for sure: “the Lord is near” in v. 5. Paul learned that even though we can’t see Him, Jesus is by our side.

Take Home Nugget
True confidence flows, not from self, but from one’s identity in Christ. In the midst of difficulty and tribulations we can live boldly because His Spirit empowers confidence. Our sovereign, almighty God—the Alpha (beginning), and Omega (the end) Revelation 1:8—lives inside every believer. He empowers confidence providing everything we need to live triumphantly.
Christ confidence leads to contentment.
It’s safe to trust the unknown to the all-knowing God.

J.D. Griffith

A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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