Thursday, January 15, 2009

Embracing Jesus Part 3 of 3

1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Paul pleads to His people,…in v. 2: “By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.”

If you were to witness a miracle, would that make a difference to you about Jesus?
I kid you not: when you pray for something that seems impossible, if you are aligned to God’s will, believe that it’s yours. We learned that perfect faith is being certain that our request is already granted.

Hold fast to your faith and watch God perform a miracle for you.

Jesus performed many miracles while on earth. He resurrected Lazarus to life—this is only possible by supernatural power. (John 11:43-44).
Jesus was worshipped and forgave people’s sins. (Matthew 9:2-8, John 9:38).

These acts are only appropriate for a Deity.

Who else could live a perfect life, without sin? Who else could withstand evil and know precisely what to do in every situation? (Matthew 4:4-11).
Who else could show mankind how to live as we were intended—perfectly and sinless? Who else could show us how to pray and develop a relationship with God?

Jesus and the Father are one—truly.

Who else would willingly go to His own horrendous death—CERTAIN that His Father would resurrect Him, and would reign at the Father’s right hand?

How confidently cool!

Jesus even showed us how to “die with dignity”.

He’s done it all—before we understood what He was showing us.

But the most important lesson Jesus wanted us to get was about love. The Father loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Jesus would not die, but have eternal life. Paraphrased from John 3:16.

Jesus gave us the golden rule in Matthew 7:12—to treat people as you want to be treated—paraphrased summary of the Law.

But the kicker is Matthew 5:44: “But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for them who persecute you.”

No one does this except he who follows Jesus.

Take Home Nugget
Do you know your King better now? When do you think Jesus first realized that He is God? As an infant? As a small boy?

The earliest that we know for sure is when He was 12 years old.

He stayed behind in the temple court in Jerusalem. (Mark 2:41-49). Even then, He was asking questions and giving clarification to learned men.

If someone asks you, “Who is Jesus?” Tell them, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).

People make fun and say I’m narrow-minded
When I say that Jesus is the only way.
I think trash talk has them blinded;
And He’ll come to prove this, one day.

J.D. Griffith

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