Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Working Out Salvation


Philippians 2:12: “Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but not so much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.”

            Apostle Paul wanted to teach the difference between “earning salvation by doing” or “working out salvation” by choosing spiritual growth and development.  Salvation is not a gift received once, but an ongoing process.  The student, a Believer-in-Christ tirelessly strives for growing up in the faith.  “Fear and trembling” is reverence toward the God of creation—our awe responding to God’s grace. 
            “Working out salvation” consists of choices people make.  

            Our Savior Jesus Christ already accomplished the impossible “work” of salvation!  Whoever confesses heartfelt belief that: 1) Jesus was born as God in the flesh, 2) who lived a sinless life, 3) died on the cross as payment for human sin, AND 4) rose back to life again—has salvation after death. 

             Believers’ hope is also being resurrected from the dead with glorious bodies like Jesus.  Our Father’s breathtaking promise of eternal life in heaven with Him is what salvation is all about!

            “Growing up in the faith” or spiritual development means that we choose to live by faith obeying God’s Spirit.  After confessing the 4 beliefs above, the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside our hearts.  From that point, He’s the boss.  Believers become works-in-progress who grow spiritually every day.

            That’s called sanctification; [SANK-tif-i-ka-shon] means “set apart”.  Our Father planned for His kids to grow up more and more like His Son Jesus.  He wants Believers to be set apart from all others in the world. 
            Every person must choose for him or herself to make God 1st place in life.  
Everything or everyone else that battles for 1st place is an idol.  

            Jesus never leaves us to figure things out for ourselves.  He teaches Martha in John 11:25, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.  Do you believe this?”

            The lesson linked below shows why Jesus wanted to teach this truth.

Take Home Nugget

            I truly hope that your Labor Day—celebrated in the USA Monday, September 4, 2017—was fun.  Whether you’re back in school or back at work now, please consider working out salvation as a privilege offered only to God’s kids.  Choosing God as #1 isn’t hard.                   
            Our Father never meant for us to work so hard that we refer to it as a chore.  Work was always meant to be activities that satisfy us through each day. 
Heavenly Father, empower me to grow spiritually into the likeness of Your precious Son with reverent fear and trembling.  Amen. 

 For a personal, private lesson experience with our staff

Latest Christmas book by J.D. Griffith:  
 To order “Meet Guardian Archangels” click here

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith: 


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