Friday, September 29, 2017

On His Cue


Matthew 6:33:  “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

            In the middle of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches His disciples how the universe functions.  People aren’t directors in Earth’s play that God is producing.  We’re the actors!

            Noah finished the ark according to God’s instructions.  (See the lesson linked below for ark details).  “All done!” Noah said, dusting off his hands on his coveralls.  “We’re ready for the rain, LORD!” 

            Opening the door, Noah called his family, “Shem, Ham, Japheth, bring your wives to enter the ark now.”  Noah ushered his wife into the ark.  “All the critters are on board.  All my family is on board.  Everything is ready.  Now we wait.”  He slammed the door shut.  Noah drummed his knuckles on the inside wood as today turned into tomorrow.

            “Okay, you can wait outside in the sunshine today,” Noah allowed.  His nervous family already felt cooped up.  Sunshine felt good.  Women brought a few more items to the ark.  “It will be so cool to see what “rain” is.  (Up to this time, the ground was watered with dew).  The floodwaters should begin any minute.  The first drop you see, return inside for safety.” 

            Waving to the curious spectators who gathered nearby, Noah’s family stuck to God’s blueprint.  “Anytime now, you’ll see whatever is “rain” falling from the sky,” Noah announced.  Each new day affected restless people inside.  Outside, observers snickered and mocked.

            “Hey Noah, can the kids come out and play?”

            Noah was 600 years old.  On the seventh day after the ark was finished, Genesis 7:10 says, “the floodwaters came on the earth.”  God didn’t release rain to fall on Noah’s say-so.  God made the rain fall on His cue!

            The best way for people to live comes directly from Jesus.  The opening Scripture that advises to seek first His kingdom means that we are God’s creation.  He created us for His purpose.  Our agenda [a-JEN-da] doesn’t count.  Whatever plans we make must follow His schedule, or they will fail.  Our roles play out God’s purpose.  We’re necessary.   

            Seeking God’s righteousness means to value our blood-bought forgiveness of sins as our most cherished possession.  When we choose to live life this way, everything else will flow.  God promises to provide clothes, food, drink, and every necessity people need to survive.  Not through our struggle. 

            On His cue.

Take Home Nugget 

            The harder people grasp for material things, the more in love with self and personal agendas they become.  Their grasping never lessons, yet they‘re never satisfied.    
Holy Father, may I honor Your agenda for me and value Jesus’ gift of forgiveness of sins as my most prized possession!  Amen.

Adapted from “Misplaced Priorities” by Pastor Mark Jeske.  June 21, 2017. 
J.D. Griffith

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