Friday, April 22, 2016

Trust Your Authority


Exodus 14:15-16

“Then the Lord said to Moses, [after telling the Israelites that the Lord will fight for them], ‘Why are you crying out to Me?  Tell the Israelites to move on.  Raise your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry land.’”

            Kids are eager to grow up, doing things for ourselves.  At first, parents hover over children.  Directions are carefully watched.  Kids feel safe trying new things under a parent’s watchful eye.
            Who is the first to break free from mom and dad?  Sometimes the child veers out farther than what’s allowed.  Other times, a parent will insist a child “fly solo” doing something alone what was taught earlier. 

            Can you remember the first time you got to do something all by yourself? 

            We can’t blame Moses for wanting direction from God.  Parting a sea isn’t child’s play.  God advises us, “Trust in the Lord with all of your might, and lean not into your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Yet, like every parent, our heavenly Father allows His kids to do stuff on our own. 

            But when?  Use authority? 

            God wants Believers to trust using authority He has given us: to lift up powerful prayers, to boldly command and to “stretch out our hands” and watch miracles happen.
            This wasn’t Moses’ first time pleading to the Father on behalf of the Israelites.  People can be demanding.  We whine.  We disagree. …  Meanwhile, Pharaoh changed his mind allowing them to go.  He charged after them to get them back!  (See lesson, linked below). 
            Now God insisted Moses raise his staff with authority to part the sea.  The people needed to trust their leader.  They needed to trust God!

            As His earthly ministry was drawing to a close, Jesus gave His disciples (you and I) authority.  He said in Matthew 28:18-20: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given Me.  Therefore, go and make disciples … baptizing them,… teaching them to obey … surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Emphasis mine.

Take Home Nugget

            There are desperate times when we cry out to God for help.  But there are also times when we know what we’re to do.  Jesus never said we’re to pray for the sick.  He commanded us to heal the sick (Matthew 10:8). 

            As God’s children, Believers are directed by His Spirit to do great things.  Jesus’ presence urges us to use His name (our staff) with authority.  We may not part seas.  We may not lead thousands to God.  But,

Lead us when we’re to trust the authority you’ve given us, Lord.  Then, Your miracles can flow!

Adapted from “Time to Use Your Authority”.  April 1, 2016. 


                   Written for  

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