Matthew 16:13-20
V. 16: “Peter replied, ‘You are the Son of the Living God.’”
Matthew 16:13-20
V. 16: “Peter replied, ‘You are the Son of the Living God.’”
Jesus came to earth as a human baby (Matthew 1:18-25). He ministered, taught, and healed, leading followers to God’s truth (Matthew 4-25). He lived a perfect life (2Corinthians 5:21). He died on a cross for mankind’s sins (Matthew 27:32-50). He rose from the dead (Matthew 28:6-7).
Jesus’ earthly life is only part of the story. To understand more, check out His ascension (Luke 24:50-52).

The Lord asks us the same question He asked Peter: “Who do you say I am?” Let’s investigate the Bible to find some answers.
As a member of the Holy Trinity, Jesus is God’s Son. The Father announced at Jesus’ baptism, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). Jesus’ life purpose was to live perfectly (sinlessly) among us, and then die. Not just die, but shed His blood—the whole reason for the cross. His sacrificial death paid for all human sins—past, present, and future.
In Old Testament times, people’s sins could only be forgiven by the shedding of blood. Animal sacrifices were necessary to purchase forgiveness—temporary solutions for an unending problem—until Jesus. He’s the only One who could satisfy this requirement permanently. Jesus’ death was the final sacrifice by which humans were finally reconciled (REK-on-siled, meaning accepted) by God. This makes Jesus our Savior.
Doesn’t this make you wonder: When did Jesus understand why He was a mortal human? Did He realize His divinity—as a baby, young boy, teenager? We only know that at age twelve, He stayed behind in the temple at Jerusalem. Once the Feast of the Passover ended—His family proceeded home to Nazareth—without Jesus. Mary returned, finding Him among the teachers, listening to and quizzing them.
“Jesus! Here You are!” Mary exclaimed. “What were You thinking, staying behind?”
“Hi, Mom” Jesus said. “Didn’t you realize that I’d be here, pursuing my Father’s business?” (Luke 2:41-52). This tells me that He did understand what His life was all about then. What would your Mom say if you didn’t return home with your family?
Hebrews 4:15 and 7:26 confirm that Jesus is our High Priest. In ancient times, the temple priest interceded (in-ter-SEED-ed, meaning to settle a dispute) for man before God. After Jesus ascended to Heaven, He sits at the Father’s right hand as our intercessor.
Doesn’t that make Jesus our King?
Take Home Nugget
Would you acknowledge to Jesus that He’s your Savior, Priest, and King? If not, I urge you to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you. He wants you to truly know Him, forming a personal relationship.
To know Jesus is to discover our destiny.
J.D. Griffith
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff
Written for http://www.biblestudyforkids.com/
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