Tuesday, May 11, 2010


2Corinthians 1:3-7
V. 3: “Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, as the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we received from God.”

Parakletos is a Greek word that means “he who stands at one’s side; he who comes to one’s aid.” Lucky for believers—our parakletos (pa-RAK-le-tos) lives within. The Holy Spirit instantly comforts and relieves pain. God’s kids never need outside remedies for easing their worries.

Even before God’s Spirit was sent to indwell believers, Scripture identifies God as the One who comforts His people (Isaiah 40:1, 49:13). He is truly our Living Hope, (see Living Hope devotion). Regardless of any circumstance that threatens His children, immediate comfort, consolation, and peace is a prayer-cry away. Jesus came to earth as a human, so He knows our pain first-hand. He walks beside us providing relief and support, assuring us that we’re not alone.

When we enter into suffering and difficult times, "His hand is on the thermostat and His eye is on the clock” (Anonymous quote). Everyone can identify with being angry, depressed, or frustrated with something that’s beyond our control. Isn’t it soothing that we’re not alone? God keeps track of our distress and knows the extent of every trouble. He will never allow His children to be tested beyond their endurance (1Corinthians 10:13).

But, God often lets us endure hardships to learn and grow. We frequently try everything before turning our troubles over to the Lord. Handling problems ourselves—without praying for help from God—always causes needless suffering. God’s trying to teach us to come to Him first—at the onset of every difficulty. Jesus never leaves our side throughout our suffering. He sustains us, limiting our pain and the length of our setback. When we emerge victorious from adversity, we’re wiser, and more humble. If we’ve learned the lesson, our faith has grown strong and sure.

His Spirit’s reassuring whisper provides more comfort and solace (SOL-ase, meaning relief) than any family member or friend could. Can you trust God to comfort you when your world dangles upside down?

Take Home Nugget

People who don’t grasp the truth that help’s within, escape pain other ways. Pursuing pleasures, gaining material wealth, taking drugs, or alcohol to soothe their aching hearts isn’t the solution. Only God can offer lasting relief from pressure and heartache, releasing people from their pain. He promises to see us victoriously through whatever’s troubling us.

J.D. Griffith

God is here; He stands beside you.
God is here; He wants to guide you.
God is here and He will help you,
So do not fear—Your God is near.
D. De Haan
A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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