Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Blessed Deceiver

Kingdom Kids devotions authorize Jesus’ LORDship over our lives.

Genesis 25:26-34

 Genesis 25:24-25a: “When the time came for her [Rebekah] to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. 

“The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau.

“After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob.”

            Jacob received God’s Covenantal blessings (promises) that his grandfather, Abraham first received (Genesis 15:5, 18).  Abraham’s son Isaac received God’s promises (Genesis 17:19).  Isaac’s second son Jacob is different from what we’d expect from a Christian faith-father.

              The name Jacob means deceiver.  He was a skilled trickster.  Although Jacob dreamed big, he needed God’s blessing in order to realize all that God purposed him to receive. 

            Esau had been hunting all day and entered the house which smelled of stew.   Esau drooled at the smell.  Jacob bribed Esau to swear an oath selling has birthright to him first.  (Genesis 25:27-34).  

            The birthright was one’s right to receive the bulk of inheritance after dad’s death.  
            Esau sold his covenantal blessing from God to Jacob for stew. 

            Isaac was old and almost blind.  He asked Esau to prepare some tasty game   meat before receiving his blessing.  Rebekah helped Jacob to deceive dad.  She covered his smooth skin with hairy goatskin while fixing some yummy meat.  Isaac gave Esau’s blessing to Jacob in Genesis 27:28-29.
            Afterwards, Esau shocked Isaac by entering the house prepared to receive his blessing.  Esau complained, “He has deceived me two times: He took my birthright and now he’s taken my blessing!”

            Rebekah advised Jacob in Genesis 27:42-43, “Esau wants to kill you!  Flee at once to my brother Laban!”

            The twins grew up and agreed to meet.  The night before the meeting, Jacob sent his family away.  A man wrestled with Jacob till daybreak.  When the man could not overpower Jacob, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip.  Then he said, “Let me go, for it is daybreak.”

            Jacob replied, “I won’t let you go until you bless me.”

            “What is your name?” the man asked.


            “Your name will be Israel from now on, because you have struggled with God and men and have overcome.” the man said.  The man blessed Jacob then.

            Genesis 32:22-30 says that Jacob limped from then on because of his hip.  
Take Home Nugget

            Our Father blesses His kids when He transfers divine favor and authority.   The only way one receives God’s blessing is through brokenness.   

            You are Jacob.

            See lesson linked below to understand Jacob’s careful preparations before meeting Esau.

Holy Father, I am Jacob.  Please bless me, too, after I am broken before Your might.  Amen.  
Adapted from “God Used Jacob, the Liar” by Dr. Tony Evans.  August 7, 2018.  The Alternative at www.LightSource.com.
J.D. Griffith

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Latest Christmas eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

This eBook shows Mary’s adventure traveling to Bethlehem right before Jesus’ birth.   This Biblical fantasy weaves supernatural delight into facts surrounding His birth. 

Here’s another eBook by J.D. Griffith:  

Twelve-year-old Jeremy befriends “Aunt” Rita when lured up her front steps after football practice one fall day.  Her piano music isn’t the only thing that makes Rita especially different.  She is intrigued by Jeremy.  God uses Aunt Rita to transform Jeremy into a true follower of Christ. 


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