Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Journey On


Sixth of six devotions in Proud Insolence series

Numbers 16:28-18:7

Numbers 17:1-5:  “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Speak to the Israelites and get twelve staffs from them, one from each leader of each of their ancestral tribes.  Write the name of each man on his staff.  On the staff of Levi write Aaron’s name, for there must be one staff for the head of each ancestral tribe.  Place them in the Tent of Meeting in front of the Testimony, where I meet with you.  The staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout, and I will rid Myself of this constant grumbling against you by the Israelites.’”

            This last devotion of the series that began with Korah’s proud insolence that so irritated God ends with a peaceful resolution of whom may carry censers filled with incense.  When Korah’s entire council was swallowed whole by the earth, remember the LORD had the censers gathered from the smoldering remains.  That was to remind the Israelites that only a descendant of Aaron was allowed to burn incense before the LORD.

            Numbers 16:31-40 tells the story. This devotion shows another miracle that ought to WOW Believers today.  The opening Scripture is simple.  God is like an earthy parent who makes the rules for the family.  Each one get a staff and write your name on it. 

            One staff will sprout.


            These staffs were really almond branches.

            Usually, before fruit appears, a bud forms.  The bud blossoms into a flower.  When the flower falls off the branch, fruit appears.  But Aaron’s branch was a show-off!  God can do that, because He makes the rules.  Aaron’s branch, “which represented the house [ancestral tribe] of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds.”  (Numbers 17:8b). 

            Clearly, Aaron’s branch won.  God awarded the tribe of Levi the honor to be responsible for His sanctuary.  AND, Aaron’s Levi family tribe became responsible for offences against the priesthood.  See the lesson linked below for other “church” duties Aaron’s family were assigned.

Take Home Nugget

            Why did Aaron’s branch show off and show not only buds but blossoms intact?  Gardeners know that growing fruit takes work.  Preparing the soil, sowing seeds, watering the plants all come before harvesting the fruit.  However, there is value in the process. 
            Our journey in life is as important as our destination. 

            We all are not at the end of our journey.  Goals need to be met.  Life’s success is usually measured by the fruits of our labor.  Let’s appreciate where we are on our journey.  It’s a beautiful journey.  It’s valuable.  May today in the journey on your spiritual path bring you peace.
            Let this give us strength to journey on!

Thank You, Father, for my journey!

Adapted from “Buds and Blossoms“ by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.  www.HolyLandMoments.com.  June 22, 2017.
J.D. Griffith


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