Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Spirit Wings

Exodus 19:1:  “In the third month after the Israelites left Egypt—on the very day—they came to the Desert of Sinai.”

Exodus 23:19:  “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the LORD your God.”

Deuteronomy 26:9-10:  “He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey; and now I bring the firstfruits of the soil that You, O LORD, have given me.  Place the basket before the LORD your God and bow down before Him.” 

            In Old Testament Temple times, the highlight of Pentecost was bringing the “Firstfruits” as an offering to God—a thrilling celebration (second Scripture reference).  Jews celebrate Pentecost by wearing green on this spring festival, also called Shavuot.  Shavuot marks when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai (first Scripture reference).  God spread His Word to the world through them—and the Torah—Genesis-Deuteronomy in the Christian Bible. 

            The story of Cain and Abel illustrates that God was pleased to accept Abel’s offering the firstfruits of fat portions from his flock (Genesis 4:4).  We’re commanded to bring God firstfruits as offerings today.  He wants us to set aside His offering first, before all our bills are paid, before life gobbles up the best. 

            God detests leftovers.  
            Christian Believers wear red celebrating Pentecost.  Red indicates God’s gift of the Holy Spirit whooshing over the apostles.  That gift in Acts 1:4 is what Jesus promised, and is why He instructed His disciples to remain in Jerusalem after His ascension.   See the lesson, linked below. 

            Once a small creature was unhappy with how he was created…and complained to his Creator.  “Lord, you are so wise to have created all things!  My question is why you created me so small?  My tiny legs can’t run very fast.  The two humps you made on my back weigh me down and slow me up.”

            God cooed tenderly, explaining:  “Tiny one, those humps are not to slow you down.  You are a bird.  They unfold as wings.  I created you to fly!”

Take Home Nugget

            Obeying God’s Will is never easy.  Like the tiny bird, Believers have two ways to live.  Either our conscience weighs us down trying to obey (serving, sacrificing, tithing), or we choose to operate in His Spirit who empowers us to soar happily. 

            The firstfruits command teaches us thanksgiving.  God gives everyone a land where to live, a family, work, and a path back to Him.  Giving back to Him first is how we show our sincere appreciation for His every blessing, every provision for life (3rd Scripture reference).   
Holy Father, accept my sincere gratitude for every provision, blessing, and gift You give—including faith, Jesus, and Your Spirit!  Amen.
J.D. Griffith
Adapted from “Wings That Fly” by Rabbi Yechiel Ecksteinwww.Holylandmoments.comMay 31, 2017.
And “Gratitude For It All”.  Ibid.  June 2, 2017

Latest Christmas book by J.D. Griffith:
  To order “Meet Guardian Archangels” click here

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