Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Shine On


Genesis 15:5:  “He [God] took him [Abraham] outside and said, ‘Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can cunt them.’  Then He said to him, ‘So shall your offspring be’”


            How do you react when someone promises you something that seems wildly unlikely to happen?   

            The reason Abraham is listed in Hebrews 11 is because he believed God.  Abraham didn’t pooh-pooh God during the opening Scripture; he just figured that the Almighty knew something to make it true.

            Hebrews 11:11 shows why Abraham’s faith was so admired: “By faith Abraham, even though he was past age—and Sarah herself was barren—was enabled to become a father because he [Abraham] considered Him [God] faithful as one who had made the promise.”

            Just like sports have a “Hall of Fame” where great players are admired forever, Hebrews’ chapter eleven is the Bible’s Hall of Faith.  Check out the lesson linked below to see other greats cherished in the Bible’s Hall.

            In today’s distrust, to believe a promise simply because we think that person is faithful is pretty weak.  Now you understand why Abraham is preserved in the Hall.  

            Using stars as His example, do you think that God meant only the number of Abraham’s offspring?  That’s surely what Abraham thought.  But there is another similarity besides the number of stars in His example.  God intended for Abraham’s offspring to possess star quality. 

            We see stars as tiny specks in the night sky.  But really, every star is like our sun.  Every speck in the vast sky is actually a brilliant orbit of light.  If we could expand the image, we’d be blinded by stars’ brilliance! 

            As Senior Patriarch of our Christian faith, Abraham lays claim to being the father of all Christians, who number in the billions!  Granted, Believers usually don’t see ourselves as stars.  Often, we feel rather insignificant.  But truthfully, Believers-in-Christ are magnificent and brilliant in the heavens.  We just appear insignificant on Earth. 

Take Home Nugget

            When we see others—especially children—remember that we are all like stars.  Let us reframe people from how they appear on Earth to the infinite potential each one has.  Each one may neither accomplish much nor reach a standard of greatness…but who are we to judge?

            “Then their good character will shine through their actions, adding luster to the teaching of our Savior God.” Titus 2:10, The Message.

            Not only are we made in God’s image—but through faith in Jesus—we are superstars in God’s eyes! 

Holy Father, teach me to see others as You created them, and never judge them according to my standards.  May I view not only others—but myself that way, too.  Praying this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Adapted from “Shine Like the Stars” by Rabbi Eckstein.  November 10, 2016.  www.holylandmoments.com
J.D. Griffith


                   Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com  

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