Friday, March 11, 2016

Beautiful Truth


Ninth of fourteen devotions in Gethsemane series

Matthew 7:7-11

Matthew 7:7-8:  “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find: knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives: he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.”

            Kodie yelled down the stairs, “Wait up, Keith.  I want to play dodgeball on your team!”
            Fifth graders spilled out of the school onto the playground for recess.  But when dodgeball teams were chosen, Kodie stood alone.  She frowned, yet walked bravely around the school.
            Violet saw Kodie and threw down her jump rope.  “Kodie!  Join me to double-dutch.  Brittany and Jennifer will swing the ropes.”

            Did you see God at work?  “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17).  This beautiful truth follows people every day trying to get our attention.  Usually, we’re too wound up in life to recognize and praise God for His gifts daily.
            Spectacular gifts that God faithfully gives are usually taken for granted.  Sunrises.  Pancakes.  Rain showers.  Songs.  Colors.  Since every good gift comes from the Father, it’s also true that our very existence pours from His hand every day. 
            Human hearts pump life-giving blood in God-designed rhythm.  Lungs breathe in a dose of air infusing oxygen throughout our bodies.  Brains direct thousands of miles of nerves to their appointed destinations.  Thoughts are guided through channels God wired for speech.  Every physical ability is given according to God’s purpose.

            People learn the limit of our tiny power.  No one is a super hero.  (Sorry, Hancock!)  No one can order hearts to beat.  No one can order a full moon.  Only God sustains our existence by fixing our planet inside a galaxy where there’s a sun and one moon that’s a perfect distance from planet Earth. 
            James uses the word from in his passage.  And that makes this beautiful truth very personal.  James tells us the Giver cares for everything and everyone personally.  Every gift comes from Him.  He invented every gift thoughtfully, meaningfully, and purposefully, beautifully intended for our good. 
Take Home Nugget

            When we understand this beautiful truth, maybe we can loosen our grip.  There’s no point hanging onto stuff.  Everything is presented from a gracious Father who loves to provide more when we give stuff away.
            There’s no need for pride; we can simply rest in Christ.  Rest in being the person the Lord made us to be.   Use every gift to glorify the Creator who loves His kids unconditionally.  Feel stress melt away.  Joyfully rest in the beautiful truth of a sunset. 
Let go.  Watch God supply.  Thank Him!

Adapted from “Simplify!”  Laurin Greco.  March 14-15, 2015. In Touch magazine. Georgia, USA.
J.D. Griffith

                   Written for  

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