Friday, January 15, 2016

Free Will Cause-Effect


Fourth of six devotions in Covenantal Alignment series

Genesis 2:16-17:  “And the Lord God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat of any tree in the garden; but you must not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.’”

            Free will at work:  Sammy’s mommy warns, “Sammy, take your hands off that cloth.  Play with your trucks on the floor.  If you pull the cloth, everything on the table will crash down on you.”
            Sammy smiled at his mom as he chose to pull the cloth.  As the books on the table crashed down on his head, Sammy fell down crying.  Free will cause-effect.  Sammy was warned what would happen if he pulled the cloth (cause).  He pulled the cloth—and books fell on his head (effect).

            We should never be surprised when we get exactly what we were warned would happen beforehand.  God wasn’t playing when He warned not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  What did He say would happen should Adam disobey eating from that ONE tree in the entire garden?
            You will surely die!
            Cause-effect is God’s Kingdom rule of ethics [ETH-iks].  Ethics describes moral code-of-conduct.  Morally ethical people act upright.  Moral people never lie.  Moral people can be trusted.  They display high integrity [in-TEG-ri-tee], meaning total honesty.  Moral people can be depended upon to do the right thing all the time.  Ethically moral people live with a clean conscience. 
            People’s free will chooses actions that are either ethically moral—or not.  And that is precisely why God designed covenantal guidelines like cause-effect to rule our relationship. 
            The opening Scripture quotes God’s specific cause-effect rule.  IF you eat from that tree, you will SURELY die.  Our Father is clear about Kingdom rules, so we need to listen up.
            This IS God’s Kingdom, not ours!
            Rebels lose. 
            IF we are going to rule under Jesus in His millennial reign, we MUST obey the rules our Father sets, OR there will be consequences (Revelation 20:4-6).  Consequences [KON-se-quen-sez] are penalties resulting from disobedience.  Consequences are the “effect” of disobeying God’s rules, the “cause.”

            No one should be surprised with cause-effect consequences. 

Take Home Nugget

            People who’re aligned with (obedient to) God’s covenant rules are blessed.  Disobedience brings punishment.     
            The lesson that’s linked below contrasts Joshua’s blessings when entering the Promised Land to punishment when people disobeyed God.  This is important because individuals are either aligned or misaligned with God’s covenant—and are blessed or punished accordingly.

Holy Father, help me to choose living aligned with Your covenant, like Joshua. I want Your grace like He had with you!  Help me to choose correctly, in Jesus’ name, Amen.            
Adapted from “Ethics: The Rules of God’s Kingdom.”  Dr. Tony Evans.  December 22, 2015.  
J.D. Griffith

                   Written for  

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