Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Crown of Thorns


1st of 7 devotions in Labor Day Rest series

John 19:2

“The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on His head.”

            How quickly this summer is ending!  The sun’s heat bears down like a lion’s jaw.  Let us enjoy these last fun days of summer doing things that make us happy.  Laugh at that lion!  We’ll get back to hard work soon enough. 

            Hard work makes us feel pretty good when it brings satisfaction for a job well-done.  Finished tasks lift heavy loads from our backs.  “Whew!”  Sip a glass of iced tea.  Dive in the cool water of a swimming pool.    

            This series hopes to change reader’s thinking about labor.  Labor Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates hard work.  Prosperity and success is promised to those who work hard:  A mantra for the “good life” in the United States.

            If hard work is the equation that sums up prosperity, then why doesn’t everyone who works hard prosper?  Why are people who work tons of overtime more stressed out than prosperous?

Consider Genesis 3:17-19:  “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.  It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the pants of the field.  By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food...”  Hard work wasn’t God’s original plan for people…until Adam disobeyed one command. 

Today, people who toil by the “sweat of their brow” probably still work cursed ground!   They struggle working long hours, but have little to show for their efforts.  Let’s get out from under the curse.  Before Adam sinned, God gave him work to tend the Garden.  The cursed land made Adam toil for food. 

When the soldiers made a crown of thorns and placed it on Jesus’ head, He bore that curse in our place.  Everyone who believes in Jesus as Lord has been redeemed from that curse!  Praise God!

Take Home Nugget

            Jesus wore that crown of thorns so that believers can enjoy stress-free   lives.  Workers needn’t worry day and night how to make ends meet.  Our heavenly Father provides for our needs without all that hard work, worry and stress!  See the lesson linked below.

            Every curse that people were meant to endure fell on Jesus’ head with that crown of thorns.  He bled from those thorns so that believers can have peace-of-mind.  He wore that crown of thorns, bearing that curse, when He died on the cross. 

Believers can now wear the crown of glory clothed in His righteousness!

Thank You, Jesus, for wearing and bleeding from that crown of thorns.  Thank You for lifting that curse from me!

Adapted from a ”Daily Grace Ministries”  devotion  by Joseph Prince. www.josephprinceministries@josephprince.org.  June 2015.

J.D. Griffith

                   Written for http://www.Biblestudyforkids.com

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