Friday, June 5, 2015

Powerful and Effective Prayer


Sixth of seven devotions in World Stage Series

James 5:13-18 

James 5:16b   “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Besides praying in communal worship and giving thanks for food, most people pray when they’re alone.  Our private conversation is between us and God.  Jesus confirms the correct way to pray in Mathew 6:6:  “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

            Jesus criticized Jewish leaders of His day who enjoyed standing in the synagogues and on street corners praying out loud—babbling on and on is more like it.  Their performance of piety and holiness on the world stage intended to get others’ admiration.  Jesus called them “hypocrites.”  The word hypocrite means a phony, a fraud.  These people pretended to be pious and holy.  But they really wanted people’s attention and admiration. 

            Jesus said, “they have received their reward in full.”  Matthew 6:5b makes it sound like that admiration, (and possibly applause for delivering a good show) is the only reward they’ll EVER get!

            Believers pray because Jesus taught us how.  We pray because we may approach God directly.  Apostle Paul urges us to pray continually in 1 Thessalonians 5:17.  We pray because we want stuff.  We even pray so that God blesses others.  Serious believers would love assurance that our prayers are effective.  We also want our prayers to be powerful.  No one enjoys wasting time.

            So, what does God require to hear and answer prayers?

            There are just two:

            Number one is fervent prayer.  Fervent means committed, eager, passionate.  Who wants to listen to someone speak who’s not fired up about what they’re saying?  Fervent prayer comes from personal helplessness asking what seems impossible.  Fervent prayer comes directly to the point.   Colossians 4:12 gives an example: “Epaphras…is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.”

            Number two is that whoever is praying must be righteous.  (Gulp).  Don’t dismiss this:  Whoever believes in Jesus as Savior becomes God’s kids.  God’s Spirit immediately seals us permanently as righteous because we’re positioned in Christ.   

            But believers who intentionally sin are not living righteously.  Their prayers are never effective.

             Requirements met, problem solved.  Every believer may, can, and is urged to pray effectively and powerfully every day!                              

Take Home Nugget

            Out of the billions who pray, God wants to hear from you.  Believer’s intercessor, Jesus “dresses up” our prayers to be acceptable.  God acknowledges who’re following His ways, then releases His Spirit to begin His divine work.

No excuse. God awaits hearing from you.

J.D. Griffith



                   Written for

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