Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Want More?


                                                                   John 4:3-18

John 4:13-14:  “Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”

            It seems that no one is satisfied.  This the time of year when we hear kids hint, “The new iPod is on sale at Target.”   Or, “Apple’s Tablet can do things that no other Tablet can do!”  But that’s kids.  Adults know that kids grow and change each day.  

            What about adults, are we satisfied?

            People spend their formative years growing into the adults they’ll be for the rest of their lives.  We aspire to goals.  We get the education needed to reach those goals.  Then we apply to jobs that we’re sure will fulfill our lives. 

            We date people whom we hope to marry.  Then, we have kids of our own.  The cycle is endless.  In this stream are untold number of people who are not satisfied.  They’re not fulfilled.  Their lives feel empty.  Their life purpose is never accomplished.  They want more.

            The Samaritan woman in the opening Scripture text symbolizes people with empty lives.  Even after having been married five times, she hasn’t found love.  She was looking in all the wrong places. 

            Where do you look for fulfillment, satisfaction, love or completion?

            People are created for God.  Genesis 1:27 shows God creating man in His own image.  “Male and female He created them.”  Why else would God create man to resemble Himself, other than to be friends with him?  Why else would God form man from the dust of the earth other than to love him?

            Apostle Paul assures us in Ephesians 3:18 that the love God has for us cannot be measured.  As much as people say they love another, the love of God surpasses human love.  People were created to honor and glorify God.  Until people taste God’s love, no act of adoration—be that for the opposite sex, worldly position or gain, even money—matches the pleasure and fulfillment of God’s love.  Only God satisfies people’s need permanently. 

            The recent Let’s Get Busy series teaches spiritual growth after salvation.  We learned that salvation isn’t the goal, but rather a starting point for recognizing God’s love.  We are urged to cooperate with God’s Spirit to reach our purposed fulfillment.

            The lesson linked below shows God’s claim on having you as His own.

Take Home Nugget   

            The moment a person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior, God’s Spirit indwells that new believer.  He is the source of the “spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

Only God can satisfy His kid’s wanting more permanently.

  J.D. Griffith

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