Friday, August 22, 2014

Angerr Zone


Numbers 31:14

“Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle.”


            The flip side of Naturally Joyful is anger.  Eight year old Shakira returned to being happy after getting a splinter removed.  But when her friend Violet chose someone else to play with at the swimming pool, Shakira became angry.

            Her face grew red as she stamped off to the concession stand.  Pushing her way to the front of the counter, she had no idea what she wanted!   “May I help you?” the waiter asked.

            Shakira stammered, “Uh, uh.  May I please have a pop-cycle?”  Then she fumbled getting out her money.

            What made Moses angry? 

            Midian women tempted the Israelite men into idolatry.  So God commanded Israel to go to war with Midian, and kill them.  But many were left alive. 

            Moses was angry because the Israelite army disobeyed God’s command.  But he was so furious, that he couldn’t think straight.  Just because we might think that Moses’ anger was reasonable, it wasn’t okay with God.   God punished Moses because he let his anger get the upper hand, and lost his cool.  Anger threatened Moses’ ability to function well.  God needed Moses at his best to lead the Israelites.

            Abraham Lincoln once noted, “You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry.”  While God may have appreciated Moses’ anger, He certainly didn’t appreciate Moses’ weakened ability to function well. 

            Put another way, Proverbs 29:11 says, “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”  When people get angry, our minds get clouded, and we don’t function well.  That’s when we do silly things that we regret later. 

            The word danger has a “d” in front of the word “anger.”  Let’s think of that “d” to mean “dumb.”  Never allow that “d” destroy what you love.  That would be dumb!  So the next time, you’re angry, stop.  Do nothing.  Breathe slowly.  Feel your calm return.  Allow your anger to fade BEFORE you destroy something or someone you love.   Those few moments might save you from a ton of regret.

Take Home Nugget

            Shakira tossed her pop cycle stick away and ran into Violet.  “Where did you go?” Violet asked.

            “I figured you were mad when you didn’t want to throw Frisbee with me.” Shakira said.

            Violet explained, “My mom said to be nice to my next-door neighbor.  So I asked her to throw Frisbee.  I was never angry with you.  I can’t stay mad at you, Shak!”   

            “Oh.” Shakira said.  “I was silly.  Sorry, Vi.  What do you want to do now?”

When we lose our cool, we’re entering the anger zone. 

J.D. Griffith


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