Friday, January 3, 2014

Lone Savior

            LONE SAVIOR  
Eighth of nine devotions in Incarnation Parallel Bible Study series

Isaiah 43:11, Acts 4:12

Isaiah 43:11:  “I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from Me there is no savior.”

Acts 4:12:  “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we may be saved.”


People don’t usually think of themselves as sinners.  We all try our best.  Through successes and failures, we convince ourselves that we’re doing pretty well.  And we’re pretty good people, too!   Why would we need a savior?  A Savior from what?

            It’s not like we killed someone.  We compare ourselves to others, and pat ourselves on the back.   We made it this far.  We can make it in life all the way. 

            But then, life happens.

            “Beat you to the top!” Benjy challenged his twin, Danny.  Two nine year old boys   wandered in front of a blasted-out rock face of a mountain. 

            “Sure!”  Danny agreed.  “Ready, set, go!”  

            They boys scrambled up the rock face.  Sneakers found toe holds.  Gloved hands found rock holes and stone points as they climbed higher and higher up the stone surface.  Danny clambered onto the top, and yelled, “I win!  I’m champion!”  Then he lay on his belly, looking down at Benjy.  “What’s wrong Ben?  Are you a wuss?”

            Ben looked up at Danny, his eyes misting.  “I’m stuck, Dan.  No joke.  There are no more places for my hands or feet to go.”  Benjy looked desperately for rock points that his hand could grasp, indents that his foot could claim.  Then Benjy looked down.   The ground seemed impossibly far away.  Benjy gulped.  He looked up at Danny. 
“Help me, Dan!” he pleaded.

            Danny stretched his arm down as far as it could reach.  “Grab my hand, Ben!” 

            Benjy grabbed his brother’s outstretched hand.  “Pull me up!” he demanded.

            When Benjy scrapped safely to the top, he fell on his back looking at the sky.    “Whew!” he blew out a big sigh.  “You just saved my life, Dan!”

            “I know!” Danny admitted.  He chuckled.  “Now, you can do my chores!”


Take Home Nugget

            When people are in trouble and scared, they understand needing a savior.  When we can’t save ourselves, we cry out for help.  When you’re in trouble, to whom do you cry out?  Friends, parents, family, even police officers can’t always help the way we want. 

            Every person needs a Savior because we’re born into sin.  The opening Scripture assures us that there is only one Savior: Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Only through faith in Jesus, will people be forgiven of their sins and saved to eternal life.    

One cry that’s always answered: “Have mercy, Lord!”
J.D. Griffith

            A personal, private lesson experience with our staff

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