Friday, September 13, 2013

Direct Access


John 14:10

“Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? The words I say to you are not just My own. Rather, it is the Father, living on Me, who is doing His work.”

It’s not WHAT you know; it’s WHO you know that gets results. Relationships are built with time spent together. Jesus longs for that time with you. Building a relationship with Jesus through prayer gives direct access to God the Father. The father hears and answers prayers of those who believe in His Son Jesus. Father-son force is age-old.

One day Abraham Lincoln’s son was hanging out in a park near the White House, when he noticed a soldier crying. “Hey, mister, what’s the problem?” the boy asked.

The soldier looked up, wiping away his tears. “My brother is in jail for something he didn’t do!” he said. “I was told that the only person who could help him would be the President of the United States!” Sniff. “But no one would listen to me at the White House.”

The young Lincoln decided to try helping the soldier. “Mister,” he said, “Would you come with me?”

“Where to?” the soldier asked.

The boy pointed across the street. “Not far,” he assured the soldier. The two walked across the street and straight through the White House gate. The young Lincoln waved to the guards, who waved them through. President Lincoln’s personal secretary smiled at them as they opened the door to the President’s office.

“Hi Dad!” the young Lincoln said as he ran to the man at the big desk.

“Hey son, is anything wrong?” the President asked.

“This soldier needs to talk to you,” President Lincoln’s son said.

The President stopped writing, and motioned the soldier to approach his desk. “What can I do for you, Corporal?”

The soldier explained his problem. President Lincoln took out another sheet of paper. He asked the soldier detailed questions as he wrote down some instructions. He signed the note with a flourish, folded it and melted wax to seal it closed. “Take this to your mayor, Corporal.” the President said.

Take Home Nugget

Believers are the soldiers who follow Jesus straight into the Father’s throne room. Our relationship to Jesus gives us direct access to the Father. Every prayer we ask “in Jesus’ name,” is heard and answered with, “Yes.”

No one, not the guards, nor the personal secretary can stop you from direct access to the Father. You are encouraged to bring every and all problems to God in prayer. Whatever concerns you—concerns the Father—and He has total control over the whole universe!

Relationship with Jesus gives believers direct access to the Father

J.D. Griffith

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