Friday, June 7, 2013

Envy Rots


Part one of seven devotions in The World of Jealousy series

Proverbs 14:30

“A heart of peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

Ten year old Wally waddled around the swimming pool, his short’s waistband cutting a dent in the flab of fat that folded down toward his thighs. His school classmate, Chester, yelled from the pool, “Heah Wally, come in!” Chester splashed water that rained on Wally’s head.

Wally smiled and turned toward the pool. He jumped in and swam toward Chester. “Heah man!” Wally said, splashing Chester back. Wally and Chester water battled for ten minutes, laughing the whole time. They took a break, breathing hard. Then they started up again.

“Heah guys,” the lifeguard called, blowing his whistle to get their attention. He waved his hand from the life guard chair to get their attention. “Hold it down, guys.” he said. “You’re drowning little kids!”
Wally and Chester looked around at the kids in the area, who were getting their breaths. “How about if we go to deeper water?” Chester asked the lifeguard.

“Sure, if you’re not disturbing anyone else,” was the answer.

Wally and Chester enjoyed water battles all afternoon. Exhausted, Wally said, “Let’s get some ice cream.”

“Sure,” Chester said, climbing out of the pool. Walking to the concession stand, he said, “That was fun! What are your plans for the summer, Wally?”

Wally looked around. He pointed to an older guy, trim and tan. “I want to look like him.” Wally said. “I am tired of being, ‘fat Wally,’ Chester. I want to lose weight and look good in a swimming suit.”

Chester nodded his head when he replied, “I get you, Wally. How do you think you’ll lose the weight eating ice cream?”

“No. Water battles!” was Wally’s answer.

Everyone knows how it feels to be “green with envy.” Wally is sick and tired of being made fun of because of his weight. When he looks at other guys at the swimming pool, he gets sick. He feels hopeless when comparing himself to the trim guys that others admire.

Doesn’t everyone feel jealous toward another at some point in life? We see them, and want what they have. We fantasize their success, their happiness. How many of us are content with how God made us? Do we think God made a mistake? How can we live victoriously as followers of Jesus if we constantly long for what we don’t have?

Really, our whining isn’t to serve God better. We want others to like and admire us. Pretty ugly, isn’t it? Envy, or jealousy is one of the most dangerous emotions. It rots lives from the bone out.

Take Home Nugget

Wally licked his ice cream cone as he walked next to Chester scooping hot fudge sundae from a large dish into his mouth. Chester said, “How about if we play basketball before we swim every day this summer?”
Wally swallowed, then smiled at Chester. “You’d do that for me, Chester?”
“Sure! No more ‘fat Wally’ for you when school begins!”

Lord, I confess that I often want what I see others have. Strengthen me to see Your purpose in my life. I know that You never make mistakes—so help me to grow into who You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

J.D. Griffith

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