Tuesday, January 8, 2013

God Leads Us Through Wobble


Part 3 of 10 in Promises of God Series

Deuteronomy 31:8
“The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

“Cassie!” Eight year old Shakira yelled to her ten year old cousin at the indoor ice skating rink. “I just know I’m gonna fall!”

Cassie skated to Shakira and grabbed her hand. “Oh my! Your skate’s laces are way too loose, Shak!”

Cassie led Shakira off the rink. “Sit down,” Cassie said. Retying Shakira’s laces, Cassie advised, “Skates need to be laced up tightly. Your ankles need to be held secure, so they don’t wobble. Wobbly ankles lead to sprains, even broken bones!”

Cassie is correct. Everyone who roller skates knows that tight laces are the key to stable ankles—and Shakira loves roller blading! Wobbly ankles makes skating on ice even more dangerous. Shakira knew better. So do we.

How many God’s kids lead loose lives in the world? The world is the devil’s playground (1 Peter 5:8). Living loose lives is as dangerous as skating on ice with loose laces is. Our ankles will break from wobble! (Ankles, faith, trust, and obedience are dangerous wobble zones). But everyone whose faith is tight in the Lord lead lives that never wobble. They remain secure and stable, even when times of trouble are as slick as ice. Trusting God leads His kids through scary-times wobble.

The opening Scripture shows Moses giving Joshua a pep talk in front of the
Israelites. After leading the Israelites forty years through the desert to their promised land, Moses was announcing that Joshua would lead them now. Would the Israelites even follow Joshua?

We can read how the Israelites’ faith wobbled from trust to fear many times during those forty years of desert wandering. (See Exodus 2-Deuteronomy). Now leading God’s people was left up to Joshua—just as it’s up to Cassie, you, and me—to help secure wobbly people.

Take Home Nugget

The Jewish people survived terrible times of rebellious wobble: taken captive to foreign nations, and slaughter of millions after taking possession of their promised land. But on May 15, 1948, the State of Israel was established as an independent nation. The end of the six-day war in1967, defined Israel’s borders. Today, the West Bank and Gaza Strip remain controversial. And yet, God is faithful. Streams of His people continue to pour “home” to Israel from all across the world. Won’t you trust God to lead you through future scary times wobble?

Territory held by Israel before and after the Six Day War.

Trusting God to lead us through trouble will cure our wobble.

J.D. Griffith

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